Question for you ladies from first trimester



I have a question for the ladies here in the second trimester.
I am 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow and virtually have no symptoms! Other than a bit of bloating after eating, some creamy cm and a very very mild case of queasiness yesterday morning I don't feel pregnant!
I got 4 beta's done and those were fine.

I'm wondering if any of you didn't really feel pregnant in your first trimester but made it successfully to the second trimester?
I need some reassurance at this point I think
If you look at my post history, I posted a thread at 6 weeks something days that I was having the most mild pregnancy I've ever had. This is my 3rd. Within 2 days, I was sick as a dog and have been ever since. Just getting a little better this week. If you're like me, enjoy week 6, cause week 7 will be hell.
Lol thanks...I hope it hits me (I kno it's weird to say but the symptoms are reassuring!)
I still don't really have any symptoms! I forget i'm pregnant half the time lol
Yeah I tested on a whim one day and low and behold there was the positive. Whole pregnancy has been like that too, just tired!
I got some symptoms from 6-8 weeks, nausea, tiredness but it went away and worried me. Now I am almost 23 weeks and baby is fine.
With my first I hardly had any ms. Just needed to eat frequently & never get hungry as that made me feel icky. This time around all day ms reaching top at about 9-11 weeks. 16 weeks now and feeling pretty good.
Never had one symptom - in two pregnancies! Suppose we are just all super lucky xx
It started at 7 weeks for me, has finally went away in the past few weeks. Hope you're one of the lucky ones that has it easy!
I did not have many symptoms. No sickness really aside from a queasy moment when eating something sugary. I need a nap a day but am not really very tired at all. I have had cramps and crave a lot of different foods.

At 6 weeks however I only had cramps.
I posted a similar threat at 5-6 weeks!
Then my symptoms started about 7-8 weeks and I felt awful for 6 weeks so enjoy this time before the symptoms kick in!!
Don't worry, it's really normal to feel pg especially at 6 weeks. Really at that point your hormone levels are still too low to induce symptoms for many people.

With my son I honestly didn't get pg symptoms aside from my breasts being sore and missed af. I didn't start to feel pg until I had a bump and felt him kick! This time around I got some ms but that didn't kick in until 7-8 weeks.

Interestingly enough the only time I got strong pg symptoms early on was with my mc before my son so I really don't think that symptoms have much baring on the health of your pregnancy.
So I literally had 0 symptoms except sore boobs and fatigue. I had no morning sickness and barely ever felt nauseous. Last appointment at 10 weeks showed a healthy little bean and my next appointment is tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure he's fine in there as everything is still growing. Went to put on a pair of my jeans on Friday and found out that they BARELY fit, so I went out that night and got some maternity jeans. It's crazy how it creeps up on you though, I thought I would be fine for at least another few weeks and all of a sudden, BOOM! But to answer your original question, I had no symptoms and I'm fine (and so is he :) )
Hi Ladies

I sometimes pop into other threads to see if I can help. I am currently working on 32 weeks pregnant and I always say if my belly did not do its own belly dance pretty regularly I would assume I had just gained a boat load of weight and not that I was pregnant. I had maybe 3 whole symptoms in the first trimester-being tired, spotting, and peeing. I had some sickness, but only 6 times or less and typically only if I ate too much or the prenatal vitamin went down wrong. Never had really any nausea or boob tenderness. In fact even now with 8 weeks left, my boobs are still the same. :growlmad: I have learned that we need to toss out all our expectations around pregnancy and what it might bring. The most you can do is watch for the danger signs. Pain- sharp/stabbing, on either side near your ovaries or uterus, bleeding-anything you would associate with your period. I had spotting almost monthly around the time I would either ovulate or have a period in both my first and second trimesters. The difference here is that it was a pinprick. Like not enough that I would consider it anything serious but enough that it was on the toilet paper when wiping.
The anxiety is the worst and when you cant really do anything to protect the baby you want so much, its hard to not focus in to everything going on. Try to not stress and just wait for your next appointment. Maybe see if you can talk to other women in your family to see if they have experienced anything similar... Like for me, my Grandma never had a difficult first trimester, so I think I follow after her, which is nice, but there were definitely times that I really wanted some type of symptom to prove I was really pregnant....

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