Questionnaire to help other mummys


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2013
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How old was you when you had your first baby? 25
When was you due? 11.02.15
When did they arrive? 21.02.15
Was you overdue? 10 days
Induced? Yes
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Gas and air
Where did you have your baby? Nottingham hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? Two
Length of labour? Around 6 and a half hours
Girl or boy? Girl.
Time of birth? 6.32am
Weight? 7lb 9oz
Breast or bottle? Bottle

Currently 35 and 4 days with baby two and hoping this one's early x please copy questions with your own answers to help other mums.
Is it just for first baby? Here are my answers:

How old was you when you had your first baby? 25
When was you due? 8th March 2012
When did they arrive? 26th February 2012
Was you overdue? No, 11 days early
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Ventouse delivery
Pain relief? Epidural
Where did you have your baby? Warrington hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes but not sure how many
Length of labour? Around 14 hours
Girl or boy? Girl.
Time of birth? 2.14pm
Weight? 7lb
Breast or bottle? Breast

How old was you when you had your first baby? 31

When was you due? 22.2.17

When did they arrive? 6.3.17

Was you overdue? 12 days!

Induced? No very narrowly avoided

C section? No

Natural? Yes

Pain relief? Gas and air, pethidine

Where did you have your baby? margate hospital

Water birth? No unfortunately the MLU sent me to Labour ward before they could even start running it

Stitches? loads, had an episiotomy

Length of labour? About 11hrs active labour, early labour was on and off for a couple of days

Girl or boy? Girl.

Time of birth? 12:07pm

Weight? 7lb 1oz

Breast or bottle? Breast until 7 months then both
How old were you when you had your first baby? 17

When were you due? 26/05/12

When did they arrive? 27/05/12

Were you overdue? One day but I spent it all in labour.

Induced? No & yes, waters went and contractions came but I needed a pessary as I wasn't dilating.

C section? No but I only just avoided one.

Natural? Forceps

Pain relief? Morphine, epidural, gas & air and an epidural top-up.

Where did you have your baby? Aberdeen Maternity Hospital.

Water birth? No

Stitches? Yes from episiotomy.

Length of labour? 38 hours

Girl or boy? Boy

Time of birth? 4.45pm

Weight? 8lb 3oz

Breast or bottle? Bottle
Can do all pregnancies if you are happy to share. I think its interesting to look at due dates and weights etc to see other people's experiences. Thanks for replying ladies xx
OK I'll do my second child too as I love things like this :laugh2:

How old was you when you had your second baby? 29
When was you due? 29th December 2015
When did they arrive? 9th January 2016
Was you overdue? Yes, 11 days overdue
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Epidural
Where did you have your baby? Warrington hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? One
Length of labour? 11 hours
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 1.49pm
Weight? 9 lbs 11.5 oz
Breast or bottle? Breast

Ooh, I'll do my second too!

How old were you when you had your second baby? 19

When were you due? 24/12/13

When did they arrive? 21/12/13

Were you overdue? No, 3 days early.

Induced? No

C section? No

Natural? Yes

Pain relief? Paracetomal, TENS, warm bath and a bit of gas and air.

Where did you have your baby? Local hospital.

Water birth? No.

Stitches? One for a small first degree tear.

Length of labour? 9 hours

Girl or boy? Girl

Time of birth? 5.08am

Weight? 7lb 1oz

Breast or bottle? Breast
How old were you when you had your first baby? 22
When were you due? 26.03.12
When did they arrive? 24.03.12
Were you overdue? No
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Paracetamol
Where did you have your baby? Bournemouth hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? No
Length of labour? 18 hours
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 8.27pm
Weight? 8lb 3oz
Breast or bottle? Breast

How old were you when you had your second baby? 24
When were you due? 5.01.14
When did they arrive? 31.12.13
Wa!ere you overdue? No
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? None
Where did you have your baby? Home
Water birth? Yes
Stitches? No
Length of labour? Around 2.5 hours
Girl or boy? Girl.
Time of birth? Around 6.15 am ish I think!
Weight? 7lb 7oz
Breast or bottle? Breast
First baby:

How old were you when you had your first baby? 33
When were you due? Dec 5, 3015
When did they arrive? Dec 8, 2015
Were you overdue? 3 days, but was in false/prodromal labour for those 3 days
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Morphine during false labour, tried gas and air but if did nothing, epidural for the last 6 hrs of active labour.
Where did you have your baby? Rockyview General Hospital, Calgary AB, Canada
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes, don't know how many but it took them about an hour to stitch me up
Length of labour? 36 hours
Girl or boy? Girl
Time of birth? 5:37 pm
Weight? 7lb 4 oz
Breast or bottle? Breast

Second baby:

How old were you when you had your second baby? 34
When were you due? June 26, 2017
When did they arrive? July 4, 2017
Were you overdue? 8 days
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Nothing
Where did you have your baby? Rockyview General Hospital Calgary AB Canada
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes, don't know how many but it was fewer than the first time
Length of labour? 4.5 hrs
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 4:09 am
Weight? 8lb 11oz
Breast or bottle? Breast
First baby:

How old were you when you had your first baby? 33
When were you due? Dec 1, 2013
When did they arrive? Dec 10,2013
Were you overdue? Yes, 9 days
Induced? Yes
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Epidural
Where did you have your baby? Hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes, don't know how many but I had a 4th degree tear :nope:
Length of labour? Too long!
Girl or boy? Girl
Time of birth? 4:09pm
Weight? 7lb 13oz
Breast or bottle? Breast

Second baby:

How old were you when you had your second baby? 34
When were you due? May 11, 2015
When did they arrive? April 15, 2015
Were you overdue? no
Induced? No
C section? Yes
Pain relief? Yes
Where did you have your baby? Hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes
Length of labour? n/a
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 12:09pm
Weight? 5lb 15oz
Breast or bottle? Breast
How old was you when you had your first baby? 24
When were you due? November 28 2018
When did they arrive? November 16 2016
Were you overdue? No, 12 days early
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? A dose of Buscopan
Where did you have your baby? Hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes but don‘t know how many
Length of labour? 9 hours
Girl or boy? Girl.
Time of birth? 2:05 pm
Weight? 6lbs
Breast or bottle? Bottle

How old were you when you had your first baby? 26
When were you due? 05.07.14
When did they arrive? 11.07.14
Were you overdue? 6 days
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Partial ('walking') epidural
Where did you have your baby? RUH Bath
Water birth? No
Stitches? One or two for a small graze
Length of labour? About 10 hours
Girl or boy? Girl
Time of birth? 10:13 am
Weight? 8 lb 15 oz
Breast or bottle? Breast


How old were you when you had your second baby? 29
When were you due? 28.05.17
When did they arrive? 05.06.17
Were you overdue? 8 days
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Nothing
Where did you have your baby? Chippenham Birthing Centre
Water birth? Yes
Stitches? None
Length of labour? About 3 hours
Girl or boy? Girl
Time of birth? 3:28 am
Weight? 8 lb 8.5 oz
Breast or bottle? Breast
I'll answer for all of my babies, just because its fun to compare :)

How old was you when you had your first baby? 25/27/29
When was you due? 06/28/13, 07/29/15, 06/30/17
When did they arrive? 06/18/13, 07/17/15, 06/29/17
Was you overdue? No, all 3 were early
Induced? No x3
C section? No x3
Natural? Yes x3
Pain relief? Epidural/None/None
Where did you have your baby? local hospital
Water birth? No x3
Stitches? Yes for all 3, not sure how many
Length of labour? 20 hours / 2 hours / 6 hours
Girl or boy? Boy / boy/ girl
Time of birth? I'd have to check my record for exact times but DS1 was early early morning, DS2 afternoon, and DD afternoon
Weight? 8 lb 1 oz, 7 lb 7 oz, and 9 lb 6 oz
Breast or bottle? Breast x 3
How old were you when you had your first baby? 19
When were you due? Feb 12, 2012
When did they arrive? Jan 25, 2012
Were you overdue? No
Induced? Yes because of PIH.
C section? No, barely missed one.
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Stadol and epidural
Where did you have your baby? Local Hospital
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes.
Length of labour? 27 hours
Girl or boy? Girl
Time of birth? 8:58 PM
Weight? 6lb 13oz
Breast or bottle? both
How old were you when you had your first baby? 24
When were you due? 2/2/12
When did they arrive? 13/02/12
Were you overdue? 11 days
Induced? Yes
C section? No
Natural? Natural
Pain relief : epidural
Where did you have your baby? Wolverhampton
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes from episiotomy.
Length of labour? 13.5 hours
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 3.30pm
Weight? 9lb 5oz
Breast or bottle? Bottle
How old were you when you had your first baby? 32
When were you due? May 5, 2013
When did they arrive? April 30, 2013
Were you overdue? No
Induced? No
C section? Yes
Natural? No
Pain relief? Yes
Where did you have your baby? Northwestern Memorial in Chicago
Water birth? No
Stitches? No
Length of labour? None :)
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 7:45pm
Weight? 8lb 11oz
Breast or bottle? Breast

How old were you when you had your second baby? 35
When were you due? April 8, 2016
When did they arrive? April 5, 2016
Were you overdue? No
Induced? No
C section? Yes
Natural? No
Pain relief? Yes
Where did you have your baby? Northwestern Memorial in Chicago
Water birth? No
Stitches? No
Length of labour? None
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 10:25am
Weight? 7lb 14oz
Breast or bottle? Breast

How old were you when you had your first baby? 23
When were you due? 09.06.13
When did they arrive? 06.06.13
Were you overdue? No
Induced? No
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Gas and air. Epidural which failed (I have a natural resistance to local anaesthetic)
Where did you have your baby? WGH Scotland
Water birth? No
Stitches? Yes for a 2nd degree tear
Length of labour? About 27 hours
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 01.12am
Weight? 6lb 15 oz
Breast or bottle? Bottle due to undiagnosed tongue tie resulting in dehydration and jaundice when I attempted breast


How old were you when you had your second baby? 27
When were you due? 31.05.17
When did they arrive? 02.06.17
Were you overdue? 2 days
Induced? Yes due to pre-eclampsia
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Gas and air
Where did you have your baby? WGH
Water birth? No
Stitches? Several due to episiotomy
Length of labour? About 5 hours
Girl or boy? Girl
Time of birth? 11.51am
Weight? 8 lb 6oz
Breast or bottle? Breast for first 10 days. Combination fed for a further week then bottle fed.
How old were you when you had your first baby? 20
When were you due? 14/03/2010
When did they arrive? 23/03/2010
Were you overdue? Yep - nine days overdue
Induced? Not as such, but I did have a sweep
C section? Nope
Natural? :thumbup:
Pain relief? Gas and air
Where did you have your baby? Wellington
Water birth? Yes
Stitches? Yes - 2nd degree tear and some 1st degree tears
Length of labour? 12 hours from start to finish
Girl or boy? Boy
Time of birth? 11:00am
Weight? 7lb 11oz
Breast or bottle? Breast until three months, then mix fed, then bottle from six months
How old were you when you had your first baby? 24
When was you due? 27.10.13
When did they arrive? 31.10.13
Was you overdue? 4 days
Induced? no
C section? No
Natural? Yes
Pain relief? Gas and air, epidural
Where did you have your baby? Forth valley royal
Water birth? No
Stitches? 370 (4th degree tear)
Length of labour? 10 hours
Girl or boy? Girl.
Time of birth? 10:32
Weight? 6lb 11
Breast or bottle? both

second baby
How old were you when you had your first baby? 26
When was you due? 4.9.15
When did they arrive? 25.8.15
Was you overdue? nope, 10 days early
Induced? no
C section? yes
Natural? nope
Pain relief? n/a
Where did you have your baby? Forth valley royal
Water birth? No
Stitches? section so lots internal
Length of labour? -
Girl or boy? boy
Time of birth? 00:10
Weight? 6lb
Breast or bottle? breast

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