If her name was in Japanese or Maori the name would Suko or Iti, see how that has already made a difference even though it means the same thing. But I know for a fact Maori people are respectful and cultured and not judgemental and if a child was called Iti they would simply say that is a beautiful name...They know there's more to a name than it's face value.
And you all should know that too?
Question your own name.
My name is Swelled Sky or Rangiwhakaki and I'll get called either from time to time by family and friends, like in the Indian culture...I.E Little Bear, Two Socks. In this white world Im called Jean, much more pleasant for everyone else.
I'm proud of my names, they're from an ancestor filled with love, strength, a story and understanding.
People love to hear where the name Swelled Sky came from and what it means.
In your case... How can you defend names like Cliff, Mat, April, Paris etc etc What's so great about these names?
Why aren't you pulling up the parents of people who have those names?
Why the face value judgement on one name and not another?
Don't be so literal and think oh you can't name a child after a city!? Paris is a city not a name.
Hear the name for the sound. The music that the name makes. Again, what's the story behind the name?
And, eww yuck all of you are bitches! I don't know why I shared, I thought you were my sisters.
I'll name my child anything I want, thank you very much!
She will be proud and she will not be take shit from people like you.