Quiting breast feeding quilt


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2012
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My son is 5 months and I feel I want to switch to formula, I've been feeling like this for a While now. But I feel really bad and quilty for wanting to quit and like I'm letting my son dwn, everyone says 'well you have done well to make it this far' but I think we'll surely I should be doing it till he doesn't want milk anymore? Isn't that the natural way? I also feel I will miss it and he will miss it too? Anyone have any experience of this or anyone been through the same thing? Dd you quit and regret it? Or carry On and. Regret it? X
In the beginning couple months of breastfeeding, I really considered quitting and switching to formula since we were having a lot of problems and it was really tough on me emotionally getting used to everything with the constant feeding, colic baby, etc. etc. I felt soo guilty for considering it, and even worse- I was too ashamed to admit to anyone but my husband that I was even thinking about it! I was really determined to breastfeed before having him, but after all the adjustments and the challenges, it would have been sooooo easy to just switch to formula. To be honest, one of the driving factors kept me from quitting then was just the fear of feeling like I had failed. In our situation, we kept with BF and now I love it and don't want to stop anytime soon. But I completely know that guilty feeling you're talking about!

My suggestion would be to set a small goal for yourself based on how things have been going- my goal was just to hopefully make it to 6 months with my first and then see how it went from there. That way it was a smaller, more attainable goal. When I reached 6 months, I said great! And I wanted to keep going, so I set a new goal for 8 months- now we've achieved that one, too! Nice, 2 goals down! My next goal is just to wait until his teeth come in and see how it goes...that way if it happens before 1 year and I decide to stop, I don't feel like I've "failed" that I didn't make one year...I've actually met my first goal and then even more. I would say set your goal for 6 months and then see how you feel- if that sounds too long, then set it at a week or two. When you make it, you will know that you haven't failed your expectations, you met them.

As my lactation consultant put it- the first rule of breastfeeding is to feed your child- whether by breastmilk or formula, bottle or breast! I feel it's been worth sticking with breastfeeding; however, I have friends who've chosen to use formula for different reasons, so I can definitely see BF doesn't work well for everybody, whether emotionally or logistically.

I think this is similar to so many different aspects of parenting these days- I feel like I am constantly having my parenting style critiqued by outsiders and feel guilty for things we choose to do or not do. If you go all organic- some approve whole-heartedly and some may think you're being snobbish paying too much. If you cloth diaper, some think you're crazy and some may tell you you're saving the world. If you let your child watch TV, some think it's acceptable and some may think you're killing their brain. And with BF on demand, I recently had someone tell me I feed him WAY too much and I'm making him form bad eating habits that will last into adulthood. What I've come to believe is that you have to make your own decisions for what you think is best all around and then stick by them knowing you are doing everything you can to raise your baby the best way for your family. I have my own reasons to breastfeed- but it doesn't mean they have to be your reasons, too.

Good luck and hugs!
Clicked as I saw title and thought... "what a fantastic idea.... making a quilt to commemorate a completed breastfeeding relationship"!!!

I felt guilty stopping at 3 years. I think there will be a degree of guilt with every parent led weaning and a degree of regret with every child led weaning. I personally couldn't imagine stopping breastfeeding so early. Maybe write a list of pros and cons and see how you feel having everything written down and what comes out on top. Its such a personal decision and what works for one person won't work for another.

ps..... shame it was a typo as a stopped breastfeeding quilt would have been cool!
Are there reasons you want to quit that you feel you can verbalize? I know a lot of women who regret quitting at a time that turned out to be too early for them, but I honestly can't say I know anyone who regrets continuing to bf. I agree: if you feel like you can't share your reasons, make a pros and cons list and maybe that will help you decide.
I might steal this quilt idea, even if that's not what this post was about. Maybe add a row of patches to the quilt for each month of bf and when each child weans, we plant a tree and they get to keep their finished quilt as a bedspread or wall hanging? Maybe a row of custom patches embroidered with highlights of things we did together that year for each year mark? I'm feeling crafty now.
ETA: or maybe it would look better to add the embroidered patches around the edges of the quilt once they wean instead of every year? Is there a service that will take pictures and print them on fabric instead? I could get them to do fun photos and copies of their early artwork.
Thank you daisy Ann great advice I will set my target date till 6 months and see how it goes. I Am returning to work just after that 7 month so will have to either stop completely or combi feed. Formula during the day and breastfeed at night.
So everyone likes the quilt idea hey! I didnt even notice the typo till I read you reply celeste.
As for why I want to quit I don't like it and it hurts. Reason I haven't quit because it's the best thing for my baby, also I bf my daughter till she was 1 year old so feel I should really do the same for my son
Celesse sorry this iPad seems to write what it wants to
Don't quit until your ready. I'm stopping slowly by the time she's 7 or 8 months because I'm also going to work. Its rough right now because she's eating every hour during the day and it makes me think I'm not enough but I'm trying to continue until I'm ready because I know if I stop before I'm ready to stop ill feel horrible about it. As long as LO takes to the bottle well and is happy after feeds I don't think ill worry much about her missing it ill just make sure I give her extra cuddles at bedtime and that I do all the night waking's (if any) for awhile until she's fully transitioned.
I just realized this was older lol

Congrats on continuing!!!!

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