I don't agree that 5 minutes is better than nothing, seriously whats the point?
If he cannot make proper time to see and bond with his child then he shouldn't have any time at all in my opinion, as she gets older the 5 minute visits will confuse and disrupt her and add nothing at all to her care and upbringing, i think its worse than not seeing her at all!
If he didn't get his act together i'd withdraw all contact and let him fight for it, he probably wouldn't by the sounds of him but he would probably drop out of her life in the end anyway, when something comes along thats more important. She deserves to be a priority, not something to do when he's bored, i wouldn't allow it at all, its not fair to her and although shes not old enough to understand how badly he's treating her, one day she will be and it will be worse for her than no contact at all! xx