have you tried googling names? this is what i do when i want something different but pretty.
just google rare english names or old english names or even just unpopular pretty names.
luckily i came across the names i liked from either my past or from facebook! a friend of mine is a member for a photography studio and one of her children is called bronte and as soon as i saw it i loved it. its got history behind it, its different and with the right middle names it makes it really really pretty. i am considering changing the middle names slightly though lol.
just find names and play with them slightly as well. thats what i also like doing. like i did like Ava Leigh at one point then i put it together as Avaleigh then i altered it slightly as avaleigh sounds like Everleigh and came up with everleigh. then decided i wanted bronte lol.
hope you find a nice name soon. xx
I'm calling my little lady Renee (pronounced Renay) and the sonographer yesterday said that was very unusual these days especially for someone my age (i'm 30 so i dont know about that) Middle name is Ava
My lil girls called maysa pronunced may sa never heard another called this before. Was chosen for its arabic meaning to walk through heavens gates with pride
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