Rather long awaited birth story of Oliver David


Me, my lil man + WTT 2011
Apr 9, 2009
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Day 1
Finally had a decision made and was advised to go into the main hospital after weeks of twoing and froing over where to have my little boy.
Went to bed at 11pm with mild period pains.

Day 2
I woke up at 3.10am with constant period pain. By 6.50am it was coming in waves. Phoned the hospital and was told to come in when 6-9 minutes apart. Advised to have a bath so went and poured myself one. 8.05am and the pains have stopped. By 9.35am they have started again but further apart. Coming every 20-30 minutes. Suddenly jumped to 4 minutes apart, my contractions were all over the place. Pain started to get unbearable by lunchtime so I called the hospital. I was told not to panic and to call back in 1/2 hour - 1 hour. Called at 1pm and was told to go into hospital.
Get to hospital at 2.10pm. Go into the midwife led unit. I was there for just over an hour listening to the 'joyful' screaming of another lady in another room sounding like someone was murdering her - really put me at ease lol. After an hour I'm told that I am 3-4cm dilated and to go away for an hour or so and then go back in again. I end up popping home (just under an hour away) to check on the dogs and have a bite to eat. By the time I get back to the hospital I am in excruciating pain and my contractions, although still all over the place, are getting stronger.
I'm offered gas and air to help and with one puff, I bring up everything I had eaten just an hour before hand, not to sound yucky but I managed to fill 3 of their bowls and only had a bread roll and drink, just could'nt stop.
Was told to persevere with the gas and air, but was still making me heave. They said that as it didn't suit me to go for pethadine. Five minutes after having it injected I don't feel any relief at all, only nautius, and again start to heave and be sick.
Only other thing that was left for me to take was an epedural. I wasn't keep pre labour but was in so much pain, said yes, go for it, so was transferred to the doctor led unit. Once I'd been transferred over, I am told that both of the anaesthetists are dealing with emergency situations and by the time one was available it would be too late to have the epedural.
I'm persuaded to try the gas and air again (didn't take much lol, would have tried anything at this point) and seemed to work the second time around. All it did was to make me feel sky high, didn't actually help relieve the pain ay all.
I started having the urge to push so badly, apparently because he had his head on my pelvic floor, but was told to try and not push and instead to breath in the gas and air when I felt the urge to push - easier said than done. Trying to not push when you feel like you have an elephant trying to stampede it way out of you isn't the easiest thing in the world lol
I don't really remember what happened over the next few hours as I was on a totally different planet as the gas and air had sent me sky high, and I was told several hours had passed, by my next memory was the doctor being there.
Oliver was getting weaker as his shoulders were stuck. No matter how much I pushed he wouldn't move. The doctor was trying to decide whether to try forceps or to give me a c-section. I was told this afterwards as I don't even remember a c-section being mentioned. They decided that as I'd been through quite a traumatic labour that they should use forceps. After 3 attempts he finally came out.
Then came the part I had dreaded all pregnancy, and it lived up to my all of my fears - STITCHES.
I was cut in 4 places, and had 20+ stitches. It only took 20 minutes to stitch me up, but it felt like 20 hours. The aesthetic they injected to numb the area wore off 1/2 way through the stitching and the few he did that I could feel definitely bought me crashing back to earth and I practically jumped off the table, I was given some more anesthetic and they finished stitching me.
My little boy was supposed to be checked over by a doctor from neonatal straight way as he had an artery missing in his umbilical cord. This was done while I was being stitched up and I was told that he was fine. I looked over to him and even in my out of this planet head on me I could see his feet were purple. I said to the midwife and was not answer, the only thing that was noted was his curly toe and was told to massage to help to straighten it.
He was born at 11.02pm

Day 3
It was 1am by the time I had been stitched up, and my mum had been with me all the time, she was a great help even though she is squeamish and could'nt look at all the blood, there was heck of a lot.
I told her to go home and rest and I was taken for a shower, was the most painful shower I've ever had, trying to sit on a hard plastic seat when you've got 20+ stitches up there and feel like someone's kicked you in the same place with steel toecaps is not pleasant.
After my shower the lovely lady let me dry my hair with my hairdryer as she couldn't find the ward one. I was then taken off to the ward along with Oliver who was sound asleep.
I'd lost so much blood that I was put on 3 different drips. I managed to fall asleep, taking my own pillows was so handy, really helped. In the middle of the night my drip started to beep to say that it was nearly empty so I called the midwife to change it. I was still out of it but could hear babies crying, but not my Oliver, he was still asleep. As I was still out of it, the first thing that crossed my mind was that he must be tired from the birth and at least we were both getting some rest, but then I thought god, this can't be normal and reached my hand out to check he was ok. I felt him and he felt really sweaty. I though he must be hot, and beeped the midwife straight back. She said that she thought he'd been sick (over his forehead?) and then said, perhaps not, and put the light on. She didn't say much, just looked concerned, and said he was sweaty and would get a thermometer to check his temperature.
Off she went and came back and fiddled around with it and said she could'nt get a reading and that it must be the thermometer and said she'd go get another one. She came back and the same happened again, no reading, She told me it must be her and she'd get a collegue to have a go at getting his temperature.
A few minutes later her collegue came along and they were talking to each other, I could'nt hear what was going on, and kept asking what was happening but was not answered or at least in my out of this world state, I didn't hear an answer. A few long minutes later the second lady said that she could'nt get the themometor to work either and would get another college to check him out. This turned out to be the doctor from neonatal that was supposed to have checked him over at birth.
The three of them chat between themselves and finally the man from neonatal says that he's going to take him off for a check over as there is better facilities in neonatal. I ask why, what do you think is wrong, and all I am told is that they don't know yet and not to worry - easier said than done.
Apparently only an hour went by before he came back to tell me what was wrong, but oh god did it feel like weeks. I think I must have buzzed at least 3 times in that hour to see if any info had been found out, it really did feel like the longest hour of my life. I was an emotional wreck and could'nt stop sobbing, all around me I could hear new mums talking to their babies and babies crying, and there was me with my baby taken off of me only a few hours after I had given birth to him. I'd always had a worry about having children, my brother was stillborn and my grandmother had a baby that was strangled by her own umbilicle cord because the midwife had gone off for a tea break, so I'd always been paranoid about it. So as you can imagine, all sorts were going through my head. The doctor came back and said that the reason he was sweating was because he was very cold and needed a hat on to keep him warm, I explained that I had bought one in but it was too big so the midwife had said she'd sort one if he needed it so that he'd have one until morning when I could have a tiny baby size one bought in for him, but she had said that he didn't need it. H e didn't really answer that, just said that he was currently in intensive care and was in a incubator with pure oxygen as for some reason his breathing was problematic and with heating to warm him up. He told me to get some rest and come and see him the following day if I felt well enough.
I couldn't stop crying, so emotional, head still spinning so none of the info I was given was really sinking into my brain,only that my Oliver was very poorly in intensive care and I was stuck on my own away from him. I was still crying an hour or so later, or so I was told, although I didn't really have much of a grasp on the time when I was there. One of the midwifes came in to see me and said that she was gong to take me somewhere quieter. That did it for me, as I thought she ment she was taking me somewhere quieter to tell me some bad news, but she quickly calmed me and said, no,no nothing like that, it's just it's not fair for you to be here listening to all of the babies, we'll take you to a single room away from the noise.
Next morning I tried to gather myself and prepared to call his Nan, but I broke down on the phone. I then went down to see him, poor love, all battered and bruised and looking such a poorly boy. I was in agony and could'nt sit, but could'nt stand upright because of the pain I was in, so could'nt stay for long, sow as going for 10 mins ever hour or so.
Later on in the day the doctor comes to see me. He says he's discovered a severe heart problem with Oliver that is not related to his problems that he'd gone into neonatal with and that they would know more after further tests.
Ontop of all of this I'd still not passed any water, and was in agony trying to pass water, so in goes the catheta for 12 hours to see if that helps.

Day 4
Next day and my legs are swollen like balloons from walking around to neonatal too much and standing for too long,my feet are that swollen I can't fit in my slippers and have to walk around in flipflops. I'm told I have to rest in bed for at least the next 2 days and that I can be taken to neonatal twice a day in a wheelchair instead. Was awful not being there for him. I get told that the echo on his heart shows that he has a problem with the valves and thickening of the walls and that he will have to have an operation asap to widen the valves. I'm told he needs to go to birmingham childrens hospital to see the specialist to find out when the op will take place. It's such an emoional rollercoster, seeing your baby and not being able to hold him, and wires comeing out of him is so hard, I can't describe it.
Ontop of this I'm still not able to wee and the catheta goes back in for 72 hours think it's a mind over matter jobby. I'm taking 7 different pain killers and antinflamitories every 4 - 6 hours, think I'd be rattling by now.
Still can't walk properly or even sit without agony. I can feel what I think is a hair where I'm really painful on the righthand side, but have just been told I'm more painful there because of a graze. Have had my jabs, totally wrong times but got them.

Day 5
The days are bleeding into one, and keep getting conflicting advise, one says I have to stay in bed with my feet up, the other says to get moving because I won't be allowed home if I don't. I'm expressing milk for Oliver, but don't have enough to feed him soley myself, and it's taking a while to come through as I was too ill to express for first couple of days . Then whats going on in birmingham? I'm told if I'm not discharged in time I won't beable to go with him, so desperate to be allowed to leave. I'm making myself move around even though it's so blinking painful and a snail could overtake me, I'm walking that slowly. I've been checked again because I'm in so much pain, but apparently I 'just' have a graze from him being pulled out.
I woke in the night in so much pain that I was trembling, even with extra blankets on. Was asked yesterday to buzz when my jabs were due so they were'nt forgotten, and had my head bitten off, didn't get the first til the afternoon in the end.

Day 6
Being checked by the doctor because I'm in so much pain still, one person says to take them as and when I need them, and not to make myself stay in pain while another says that I can't possibly be in this amount of pain 4 days later and is telling me to try and get by with minimal pain relief as if not I won't be able to go with Oliver or go home. Behind with my jabs as one was forgtten about even though I asked for it. As I've been told Oliver will definetly have an op, I've decided to give up on the breast feeding, it will be so hard to keep on top of if he's kept in for a while, so he's staying on the bottles. Quite sad, but it's more practical for us.

Day 7
Still in sooooooooooo much pain, I can't describe it. I hurt that much of my right side that I can't use toilet roll, I'm having to use paper tissues as they are softer. It brings tears to my eyes just trying to get out of bed. What with everything going on all I feel like it letting it all out. No change with Oliver poor boy, still in intensive care, but on lower amount of Oxygen. Oliver goes to Birminham tomorrow, thankfully my catheta is out and I'm able to wee - never realised how hard it can be to do such a simple blooming thing!! Feels a lot better without the catheta and I can walk a bit better now, the pain down below is still the same, if anything a bit worse, but not telling them that but will just get them to check for the 100th time before I'm discharged. I've got to come for my check ups when I visit Oliver. Got to have my last jab tomorrow when I come in as they are behind again with them.

Day 8
Met Oliver at Birmingham and he was seen straight away. His right side is worse than his left, but have been told he does'nt have to have an op as yet. They want to do the pictures every 3 months and compare, and see how well the valves grow in comparison with his heart. He will also be seen monthly at my local hospital for them to examine him.
I get back and go for my check, I'm still in excruciating pain, I have to sit on a thick pillow if I sit down, feel like a right plonker carrying that around. I ask them to check me and it's someone who's never seen me before. I tell her about the hair that's bothering me, and all of a sudden I screamed, I don't even thing I screamed that loud while in labour, then the smell hit me. Basically one of my stitches was finished where there would be pressure when I sat down. The 'hair' I could feel was not a hair but the end of the thread. The nurse pulled it out and measured it as 3.5 inches long. She apologies and said she didn't realise how long it was but once she started pullign there was no point in stopping. I'd half healed but this thread was holding lots of infection in, and the 'swelling' I had from the 'graze' was not swelling but infection. Even though I was still in a lot of discomfort, just removing the stitch gave me such relief, you cant imagine. I was then 'swilled out' to get rid of as much of the gunk as possible and told I needed antibiotics, but as it was too late in the day to take a swab they'd do it tomorrow and give me a general antibiotic. I had to wait 4 hours for them.
Also told to

Day 9
Went for my swab and a check up and was told that I'd have the results tomorrow. Oliver has also come out of intensive care, still in the incubator though.

Day 10
Find out that I'm on the wrong antibiotics and need different ones. Even better, Oliver is out of his incubator.

Day 11
Oliver is home :)!!

I was give 1 weeks supply of antibiotics and told that my infection would go, it went almost completely, but not 100% so I asked for more antibiotics, I'm told I don't need them and my body will deal with whats left of the infection. 4 days later and I'm in pain again, it's come back, I phone for more and they give another weeks supply, same happens again and I'm in pain. All in all it took 6 weeks for me to get rid of the infection as they'd only give a weeks supply and tell me it would go. In the end I got 2 weeks supply and it went. However, I've not healed properly and I may have to have it quaterised to make it heal.

Oliver is doing well, he has a few things wrong with him, but we're getting there. He always has very cold hands and feet, he has a lump on his head from delivery that he's having treatment on, he also has a problem with flexing his hips and knees which he's having physio for. He breathes very heavily, caused by his heart condition and his chest dips in too. He also has to eventually have a minor op on his curly toe. He has failed to thrive and he is really hard to feed, each taking approx an hour and it's being looked into at the moment.
Congratulations on the birth of Oliver xxx

My son Alex had a major heart defect so i know what a worrying time it can be.

Good luck for the ops
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story hun xx
Congrats!! Oliver sounds like a tough little cookie. I hope you work out all your health kinks really soon. My son too has some left over issues from the NICU but we are working on them day by day.

If you ever want to chat, PM me. I know it can be scary and some times hard. :hugs:

Congrats again! =)
Congrats!! Oliver sounds like a tough little cookie. I hope you work out all your health kinks really soon. My son too has some left over issues from the NICU but we are working on them day by day.

If you ever want to chat, PM me. I know it can be scary and some times hard. :hugs:

Congrats again! =)

Thanks ever so much, I'll take you up on that when I'm not so tired lol and you're welcome to pm me too :)
congrats on baby Oliver, hope his feeding etc improves soon, he sounds like a tough little cookie :hugs: x
Congratulation on the birth of your gorgeous boy. I'm so sorry that you had such a rough time and I have everything crossed that things improve for you and Oliver now xxx
Congratulations! Oh, this is such a hearbreaking story. I hope you are both keeping fine. xxx

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