Re-establishing supply


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
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Hey there ladies, yet another question from me. I got a horrible case of mastitis and stopped breast feeding 2 weeks ago. My milk supply has since dwindled seriously but I would like to start breast feeding again. Any ideas on how to re-establish a supply so that I can soon breast feed exclusively again?
Best thing to do is put babe to the breast whenever she wants feeding and don't top up with formula, express in between if she wont feed regularly off you, take a supplement (domperidone, you need to ask your doc to prescribe it, it boosts your supply), fenugreek also helps (you can get it from Holland and Barretts).
Eat well, drink plenty, try to include lots of oats in your diet as they can help with supply.

Good luck!

P.S Kelly mom also has lots of info :)
Sorry you've had mastitis. :hugs:

If you cut back on everything you're doing, rest plenty, eat and drink well and put baby to the breast often, your milk supply should begin to increase after 2-3 days. If you need to supplement with formula at first, do this after feeding her at the breast and reduce the amount you give each time.

Increasing suckling time is the most important thing, so feed your baby whenever she is hungry, allow plenty of time for the baby to empty the breast well and let her comfort suckle for as long as she wants, as this will help build up your supply. Try not to go for more than two hours between feeds for a few days, and offer her the breast even if she doesn't actually seem hungry.

Basically feed as frequently as possible for as long as possible. Good luck, you can do it! :happydance:
Freckleonear I've been putting my lil one to my breast whenever she is hungry and then topping up with formula as you said. So far she will drink for about 5min and then take less formula than normal which I am hoping means that she is getting something from my breast. I'll keep going, but it is hard when she is frustrated and wants the bottle as a quick fix.

So really, my milk supply can be re-established in a week or less??? I hope this is true for me!
If she'll only feed for 5 mins, then still express afterwards to stimulate your supply. My supply for DS dropped to practically nothing and he refused to feed for a day or two (he was older though at 9/10 months). With expressing every 2 hours, taking domperidone and drinking plenty I managed to get him back on the breast within a couple of days. I could give him the expressed milk then instead of formula in the meantime :)
Thanks Kina!!! I'll try express right after she feeds! I'll let you know how it goes. You guys are encouraging, thanks for giving me some hope! I've been struggling with breast feeding since the begining :(
Awww hon :hugs: Breastfeeding is hard work, but rewarding. I still love my boobie cuddles with DS, even though he's dropped to one feed a day now.
With DD I strugged for the first 8-10 weeks, but then it all clicked into place.

You can get her back onto the boob full time, it will just take a little peserverance and hard work. Put your feet up, stick on your fave dvds, and have a nurse in with lots of yummy foods and drink. Plenty of skin to skin contact can help boost your supply, so strip yourselves down and snuggle under blankets, or trying bathing together. Just let her root and feed whenever she wants and you'll get there :hugs:
It's all about supply and demand. So just breastfeed as much as you can and if the baby is ok with it let her suck even if there's no milk. When you give her a bottle because you don't have enough milk, make sure you pump for maybe 15 minutes or so even if no milk comes out. It sends signals to your brain and in return you get more supply :) It worked really well for me when my milk got low.

I've heard that stinging nettle tea increases milk supply and I think you can go to any health store and ask for tea or pills to increase it.

Good luck :)
Kina and Phexia have given you some great advice. You're doing really well, keep it up, and let us know how it goes! :hugs:
:cry:Hi ladies, since I started trying to wean her off formula and reintroduce my breast she's become VERY fussy and cries a lot. I feel like maybe I'm making a bad decision. I'm not sure what to do, should I keep going? She's constantly upset, even after I give her the bottle.:cry:
If she's upset even after the bottle I'm not so sure she's fuzzy over the breasfeeding. Could she have colic? I don't think you're making a bad decision introducing the breast again.
As Phexia said, if she's upset after having a bottle then it doesn't sound like it's because of the breastfeeding. Maybe she's having a growth spurt, as she's about that age now? Is she fussy when she is actually on the breast?

I know how upsetting and tiring a fussy baby can be, as my Aaron has really bad reflux and sometimes seems to scream non-stop for days, so sending you lots of :hugs:.
OK so today has been much better. I am managing to get in more and more pumping sessions each day. This morning I put her to my breast, both sides twice and following this she only drank 1.5 ounces of forumla. So I am hoping that means she got something from me versus that she just got fed up of trying and went back to sleep.

I'm trying to pump 8-12 times per day. I also have an appointment with her doc today so I'll discuss it with him and get his opinion. Hopefully he supports my decision to wean her from formula
Well done, sounds like you are doing a great job! :happydance: Here are a couple of links I found which you might find useful.
Cool!! thanks for the links Freckleonear!
The doc supported my decision big time and told me basically to keep going, offer the bottle less and breastfeed almost every hour. He didn't think my supply had diminished too far.

I' feeling really good about this at the moment. I know the nights may be tough but it'll be worth it.

Thanks for all the encouragement!
I have almost gotten to the stage where half of her feeds are directly from me whoohoo...
I bought something called "Mother's Milk Tea" which is suppose to help increase my supply...has anyone heard about it or tried it?
I've heard of it, the best thing to do is brew it really really strong then down it lol

Good luck! Sounds like you're doing great!
hi Mango, glad to hear your efforts are showing positive results :happydance:

I know this tea, but only from Germany, were it is called "Stilltee". it contains fennel, anis, caraway and balm. my sister had to fill up here suitcase with it for me, when she came to visit as I did not find it over here :baby:

not sure if it increases the milk production, but I am a fan of herbal teas and love the taste of anis and it is very important to stay hydrated when breastfeeding!

I know that fennel and caraway are supposed to be good for the digestive tract and balm is supposed to have a calming effect, so you def cannot do anything wrong with it, if you like the taste :hi:
hi Mango, glad to hear your efforts are showing positive results :happydance:

I know this tea, but only from Germany, were it is called "Stilltee". it contains fennel, anis, caraway and balm. my sister had to fill up here suitcase with it for me, when she came to visit as I did not find it over here :baby:

not sure if it increases the milk production, but I am a fan of herbal teas and love the taste of anis and it is very important to stay hydrated when breastfeeding!

I know that fennel and caraway are supposed to be good for the digestive tract and balm is supposed to have a calming effect, so you def cannot do anything wrong with it, if you like the taste :hi:

I just experienced getting the runs when I drink to much of it :baby:

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