Hi all,
Tentatively stepping back in here! Have been a member here since I had my first in 2009. DH and I have unexplained secondary infertility (I do have endometriosis but it apparently shouldn't be causing an issue as my tubes are clear) and have been TTC#2 on-and-off for 4 years.
We've been through all the stages of desperation, each of us taking our turns to change our mind, NTNP etc. In the last 6 months or so we've dealt with all our emotional issues surrounding our infertility and other parts of our marriage. We feel like an entirely new couple and tbh I kind of feel like this is just the beginning of us trying now! (No doubt I'll be fed up and desperate again in a few months haha)
Anyway, with everything that's been going on, I've gotten out of the loop of TTC knowledge. I don't want to go too overboard as I drove myself crazy previously, over thinking everything, and DH is so wonderfully enthusiastic now that I don't want to dampen that. So I'm taking a good mix of preconception vitamins, I'm tracking my cycle on an app, will record CM if/when it's noticeable and I'm leaving it at that for now. I'm currently recovering from a laparoscopy (endo) and having my first period post-surgery, and then we should be ready to get started.
But as I say, I feel like I'm out of the loop a little. So at the end of all this waffle I'm asking, what do you all consider to be the best early-indication HPT these days? Is it still FRER? I'm going to try not to test early. Or at least *too* early. But my cycles can be a bit irregular due to the endo so it's often difficult to tell if I'm actually late or not. I'm in the UK.
Thanks lovelies!
Tentatively stepping back in here! Have been a member here since I had my first in 2009. DH and I have unexplained secondary infertility (I do have endometriosis but it apparently shouldn't be causing an issue as my tubes are clear) and have been TTC#2 on-and-off for 4 years.
We've been through all the stages of desperation, each of us taking our turns to change our mind, NTNP etc. In the last 6 months or so we've dealt with all our emotional issues surrounding our infertility and other parts of our marriage. We feel like an entirely new couple and tbh I kind of feel like this is just the beginning of us trying now! (No doubt I'll be fed up and desperate again in a few months haha)
Anyway, with everything that's been going on, I've gotten out of the loop of TTC knowledge. I don't want to go too overboard as I drove myself crazy previously, over thinking everything, and DH is so wonderfully enthusiastic now that I don't want to dampen that. So I'm taking a good mix of preconception vitamins, I'm tracking my cycle on an app, will record CM if/when it's noticeable and I'm leaving it at that for now. I'm currently recovering from a laparoscopy (endo) and having my first period post-surgery, and then we should be ready to get started.
But as I say, I feel like I'm out of the loop a little. So at the end of all this waffle I'm asking, what do you all consider to be the best early-indication HPT these days? Is it still FRER? I'm going to try not to test early. Or at least *too* early. But my cycles can be a bit irregular due to the endo so it's often difficult to tell if I'm actually late or not. I'm in the UK.
Thanks lovelies!