ok first off is getting baby to latch on you need to offer breast quite often at first every 2 hours and offer both sides, if your having trouble with getting a correct latch try getting touch with a LC to help you.
You can pump to increase your milk supply, and you may find this speeds up the relactation process. If your baby is struggling to latch on, you can pump to stimulate milk supply. You can use the expressed milk to supplement your babys feeds, and this will ensure your baby is still getting all of the nutrients from your milk.
Be sure to have lots of skin-to-skin with your baby. Skin-to-skin is proven to stimulate milk production and strengthen the breastfeeding relationship. Some lactation consultants have also found co-bathing can help to help relactation.
You could also try a herbal remedy to increase milk supply, but remember this will only work if you are also frequently nursing. Fenugreek, fennel, oatmeal and blessed thistle are all commonly used to increase milk supply in lactating women. also breastfeeding cookies. ( I can post the recpie)
You may find it useful to use a nursing supplementer https://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/products/51/supplemental-nursing-system-sns while trying to establish your milk supply. You can supplement with pumped breastmilk if you have some spare. Thin tubing is taped to your breast and extends about 0.5cm past the nipple. The tubing leads to a bag or bottle containing the supplement, and the baby receives this when sucking at the breast. In the early days of relactation, when you may have very little milk, this is a good way of encouraging your baby to suckle. The supplement satisfies your babys hungry, so he continues to nurse at the breast which then stimulates milk production.
Avoid using bottles and pacifiers while you are trying to establish your milk supply. Use a nursing supplementer or, if needed, use a cup to feed your baby. Do not pour the milk directly into your babys mouth, simply hold the cup to his mouth and let him take the milk himself.
I think if can get a loacl LC to help you as well, will help, I know I read a thread on here of a girl who started breastfeeding again and was still feeding when baby was 1
This is taken from a website very like baby and bump so was not sure if I could post the link or not
some great advice and information on Kellymom as well