My LO has been spitting up more than usual and her poop is sometimes runny/sometimes not. I switched her from powder to liquid concentrate but it's the exact same formula. From what I can see its the same ingredients.
Yes, she has. hopefully that's it. I posted about this before when a baby makes a squeaky do sound, eyes roll and breathe heavier when sleeping which I was told it's rem sleep. But is it normal for it to wake her up and cry? Sometimes she does it before she falls asleep.
They are totally freaky sleepers to start with. If she's startling herself awake due to reflexes that are out of her control, she's likely to cry yes. She might throw her arms and legs out (Moro/startle reflex) and wake herself up. They do it when they are awake too - startle and scream. It should go away by about 4-5 months and be replaced by the normal adult 'jumping' startle reflex.
Swaddling her might stop her waking herself up until her limbs are under her own control ...
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