Really Bummed out....


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2013
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so my friend is a day behind me in her pregnancy. Usually by this point I can excrete something out of my breasts and well she is lactating and I'm not. I had a breast reduction this past May and I am really bummed out because I have no signs of anything at all! I know in my heart I won't be able to even though everyone tells me that they won't know for sure until after Zach arrives. But because I notice no change in my breasts at all other than being sore which isn't unusual I just have this instinct telling me I won't be able to and I am just totally bummed out....Is there anything I can do I really had hope of being able to breastfeed this time since the last two times I couldn't for my first I didn't have any help with it even though I tried to learn on my own I couldn't get Alex to latch on. With my second even with pumping and trying to get Tommy to breastfeed I couldn't produce enough so I figured this time would be different and my hopes have been dashed cause I just know that since there is no signs and nothing producing by now that I won't be able to what can I do? :cry:
It doesn't mean anything:hugs: As for breastfeeding, DD1 was a nightmare to BF, and she was still losing weight 2 weeks after birth so I ended up BF/pumping/formula for a month, then pumping and formula, then formula only when she was 3 months old. DD2 is sooo much easier to breastfeed!! And she's gaining really well (over 1 ounce/day). So every baby is different, and your LO could be a really easy baby to BF :winkwink:
Well it's more that I am not noticing any change in my breasts and not producing even colostrum and I am frustrated because I am 22+5 weeks and by now I can usually get something out and nothing....I think that I won't be able to because of my breast reduction. I just don't know anymore....Thinking of just giving up on breastfeeding all together...:cry:
I didn't really get any sign of milk except maybe a little dried bit until after LO was born and then I think it took about a week for my milk to come in. It seems very early to worry at 22 weeks. Don't give up! If you can't breastfeed then you can't, but it'll be ok.
My heart is just set on it cause I couldn't with my other two and I hear about how close mommy and baby are and I want that chance to have that closeness....
I'd say it's definitely too early to worry about not leaking, especially since some women don't leak any at all until after they've given birth. Even if you leaked during your previous pregnancies doesn't mean that this one will follow the others exactly, so don't give up hope too soon.
I agree with the other replies. Just because you aren't leaking doesn't mean you won't be able to produce milk. I've heard of some women not producing a drop during pregnancy and go on to feedj ust fine.

If your really worried, ive heàrd oatmeal does wonders for milk supply but obviously that will be once baby is here. You might find in a few weeks that you start leaking :)
don't worry! I couldn't express anything with either of my pregnancies until the babies were born! Once my milk comes in i have an insane amount... i could probably feed triplets!
Yea I understand what you are all saying it would really ease my mind a lot if the surgeon who did my breast reduction would tell me if he removed the mammory glands because if he did I won't be able to and at least I could deal with the disappointment now instead of later and I could make sure to be prepared properly with formula. I know I shouldn't be worried but I just can't help it especially when my boobs aren't even changing in size!
My breasts never did anything during pregnancy..they didnt even get bigger (which is what i looked forward to, being a small lil A cup) until my third day back home with baby...then all my milk came in and i couldnt stop the mess lol i would leak through breastpads and everything. Dont let the lack of early lactation get you down. You really wont know until the baby comes and starts your flow :)
You can do it! Theres a ton of breastfeeding support out there! And if you get discouraged, pm me :) ill chat with ya. Sending Positive vibes your way
A friend of mine was unable to feed her first 2 due to supply issues. Had a breast reduction and fed 3 and 4 for 6 months each so there's definitely hope.

You say you instinctively know you won't be able to do it but I find when I'm really worried about things I can mistake that worry for instinct. From what I know about it, which admittedly isn't loads, there is no way to know if you'll be able to feed after the op or not until baby arrives. I would try to relax and approach it positively with an open mind. If you can feed then great, if not then it won't matter to baby so long as he is fed and loved.
Thanks for all the support it means so much to not feel so alone. I finally got a hold of my doctor and they told me he didn't remove anything that should prevent me from breastfeeding so I guess this one is just different in that area! :thumbup:
I was never able to get anything out until after LO was born. Every woman's pregnancy is different, just like some people get morning sickness and others don't; some people leak in the second tri and some people don't!
Bit to early to be worrying about it IMO. My boobs haven't changed even a little bit since I got pregnant, nor did I ever leak, and yet here we are nearly 7months in after EBF for 5.5 months.

I say relax a little
I had nothing come out of my breasts throughout the pregnancy, baby is doing fine in terms of supply. Hopefully you have nothing to worry about!

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