Really fed up of those moaning about being overdue!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I was hissing at Shameless last night, and someone else, moaning about being sore, tired.....

Wish they'd count themselves lucky! :cry::cry:
I can see where you're coming from Bird-as yes, it does aggravate me a little too.

However, I can also see the flip side of the coin (being the pregnant lady that I am :winkwink: ). . . nobody wants their baby to come early but I guess carrying around a heavy baby and being unable to sleep after 9 months is pretty bad. I have no idea, seeing as none of us have gotten there yet-however, is suspect I may be in the same boat as a few of them in a few weeks time. :blush:

Try not to let it get to you sweetheart, keep away from the 3rd tri forums if you can. . . it'll only make you feel worse. keep smiling. you've got a beautiful baby girl-and 'coz she came early, you get to love her longer! :cloud9:

I think you will be more considerate though missy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Although I didn't have a preemie I completely agree with you sb22. When I was in third tri I would always get so upset about girls complaining. There are so many women out there that can't even HAVE children and these women complain about the most trivial things such as stretchmarks, gaining weight, and being overdue. :nope::hugs::hugs: I avoid the third tri section as much as possible now.
Steady hun. Having been mum to a preemie born at 28 weeks who we sadly lost at 6 weeks old and BEING 42 weeks pregnant RIGHT NOW, its hurtful that someone would bitch at me for being maybe the teeniest bit fed up.
Yeah, sure I get it, you would give anything to have carried to term, as would I. I was on bedrest with this one for 5 weeks, in and out of hospital on drips, Ive taken tablets to stop contractions since 22 weeks pregnant and I cried myself to sleep every night for weeks thinking this pregnancy would be a repeat of the one when I lost my little girl. I am eternally grateful that this LO has stayed put BUT I also have severe SPD, so bad I cant walk across the living room or up the stairs. I have hyperemesis, Im sick every day several times at least, I was almost kept in hospital again yesterday for having ++ketones but allowed home when I managed to keep some water down.
So you know what, being 14 days overdue aint a walk in the park and happy days, I try not to complain, I know how lucky I am but if you cant have a bit of a whinge on an internet forum when you feel completely shit from not having had any sleep for days etc etc then where can you?
Sure I have a rant about people at 37 weeks trying to "bring on" labour and I chuckle at people one or two days overdue but seriously, thats how that person FEELS and its not up to you, me or anyone else to tell them its "not considerate" or they should think "how lucky" they are. Just accept thats how they feel at that point and they come on BnB for the same reasons you do, for support and understanding not for someone to slag them off because they are fed up and uncomfy.
Me? I never said nothing about the forum, thats what its here for?
Life can be difficult and we all dont get dealt the same cards.

It is unfortunate what you went through with your LO, but if we all spoke all the time considering everyone elses situation we would never be able to say anything in life, IYKWIM. Like for instance if someone else posted a thread on here saying, Im fed up of listening to people whinging their babies are premature when I lost wouldnt feel very nice, or be very appropriate.

Life can be difficult and we all dont get dealt the same cards. Everyone here has different situations.

Although you didnt mention the forum specifically, you can only expect it to cause a little offence posting this kind of thread on a pregnancy forum, was bound to be read by at least 1 overdue person!!!
I just feel sometimes I would do anything to have been overdue, rather than that early. A few weeks of pain I could have handled, but this journey is hardand long and I have my ups and downs :(

If I offended a member I'm sorry. My heart just breaks sometimes though.
I went 9 days over and it was very uncomfortable, but what's that compared to having a premature baby? I moaned at the time because I was petrified of having an induced labour, (which I didn't need in the end) but again, at least my baby was term. I now feel irritated when people say 'baby is 37 wks, so it's ready, how can I bring on labour?'

However everything is relative your own life/experiences, and it's hard to feel better sometimes because someone else is worse off. If you don't know what that feels like, then it doesn't always help iykwim? Like when you're really hungry, and it doesn't help when someone tells you that others are more hungry than you in 3rd world etc, because you can't relate to that.

I so know what you mean though, there are lots of moans that people have that I wish I had, like when I was struggling to express 1oz of BM in 2 hrs, someone FF was moaning about their milk having come in and wanted to know how she could get rid of it, and that annoyed me! But it was her experience, and she was in discomfort, so that's valid, I guess.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't try and empathise with others though...and be considerate.
I know i don't belong here but i just wanted to pop in and give you a big hug as i know how much you worry about Alex and i can understand why hearing people moan about being overdue hurts you. I felt very similar after my miscarriages when my pregnant freinds were moaning about morning sickness i know they weren't saying it to be hurtful but it was so hard to listen to.

p.s. Alex just gets more pretty in every new photo i see of her
:hugs: i guess people dont think about the flip side when they are moaning about being overdue. I dont think anyone means that they would rather have an early baby but i can totally understand why it would upset you.
I agree.. Why would you be moaning about something that you knew had a chance of happening! Lets face it there is a high number of women who go overdue..
I would have given the world and more to have kept my girls in there to stew for a few more weeks!!
I always say they are very lucky to have gotten that far. x
I'm very lucky to have 4 children that went to full term and over. I'm now hoping that this LO stays inside till it's 'fully cooked'. My heart goes out to all the mummies of prem babies. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have a baby that's born too soon. I know I'll prob moan when I hit 37 weeks, saying that I'm fed up, feeling too big and uncomfortable... just like I used to moan in first trimester bout being sick and tired. But I can honestly say that I've never said that I wanted my baby out before I hit my due date.

Big :hugs: to you girls. xxxxxxxxx
I can see what you mean hun and it must be hard

But a comment ealrlier (not by you) upset me. When I was overdue, I had SPD and was in so much pain and really wanted out and I remember ranting :blush:

I'm sorry if that upset anyone at the time but thats how I felt


Hey huny :wave:

I totally understand why people would be 'moaning' i they had SPD!!!!!! Thats different story!!!!! :hugs:

I can really see someone having a bite outta me now i posted this! I was just having a hormonal bad time, week in fact!

No one is going to have a go hun because you dont mean on the forum you mean on the tv and in real life which I can completey understand. If someone takes a bit bite out of you then they maybe need to read your responses and you said it wasnt about the forum.

Alex is beautiful by the way hunni and doing so well
Thanks darlin, shes a right cheeky monkey
although our sistuations are very different i can understand where you are coming from completely. my BIL always said i need to be more compassionate to others but its hard when you are going through hell or been through hell. i am still not able to say "oh but if i was in their shoes i would be moaning too"

i will never forget a family friend of my dh family talking to me on fb about 6 months after i lost lexi and she was actually maoning to me about being overdue and it broke my heart i have to be honest. i tried to say it to my MIL and she defended this girl until the cows come home nobody could understand that i wasnt saying she isnt allowed to moan because i can imagine when you get that far in pregnancy it is really uncomfortable and really painful etc (i only made it to 33 weeks) but she didnt need to moan to me thats for sure she could of found someone else to talk to

so i know where you are come from kind of if that makes sense lol

sorry for waffling :hugs::hugs:
Life can be difficult and we all dont get dealt the same cards.

It is unfortunate what you went through with your LO, but if we all spoke all the time considering everyone elses situation we would never be able to say anything in life, IYKWIM. Like for instance if someone else posted a thread on here saying, Im fed up of listening to people whinging their babies are premature when I lost wouldnt feel very nice, or be very appropriate.

Life can be difficult and we all dont get dealt the same cards. Everyone here has different situations.

Although you didnt mention the forum specifically, you can only expect it to cause a little offence posting this kind of thread on a pregnancy forum, was bound to be read by at least 1 overdue person!!!

I dont think she meant anything by it in a horrible way plus this is a section about prems and this is part of something unless you have been there you wouldnt understand.
I totally agree with you, i was talking to a girl at the hospital the other day and after hearing olivia was born 11 weeks early she said ''well your baby was early and is fine and im overdue and they wont induce me''she was really moaning though saying the hospital were pathetic for not inducing her and calling the midwives stupid for telling her the baby needs as much time inside her as possible. It makes me sooo mad i would have give anything to have carried my beautiful baby to term and 2 weeks overdue and for her to have come into this world big strong and healthy instead of having to fight everyday just to breathe (CLD)xxx

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