Really fed up of those moaning about being overdue!

I totally agree with you, i was talking to a girl at the hospital the other day and after hearing olivia was born 11 weeks early she said ''well your baby was early and is fine and im overdue and they wont induce me''she was really moaning though saying the hospital were pathetic for not inducing her and calling the midwives stupid for telling her the baby needs as much time inside her as possible. It makes me sooo mad i would have give anything to have carried my beautiful baby to term and 2 weeks overdue and for her to have come into this world big strong and healthy instead of having to fight everyday just to breathe (CLD)xxx

Sometimes dont you just want to slap them people.

I know lots of people who have moaned that they have gone overdue and I am like HELLO!! your lucky love! Try having a preemie! carrying that baby an extra few days aint that much of a problem xx
firstly... your avatar pic is just too cute :D like someone mentioned above its a forum if people wanna have a little moan about being overdue then grand but your more than entitled to have your little moan too it is a forum after all :winkwink: I can understand why people who are overdue and uncomfortable would have a moan but i can also see what your saying id loved to have even made it to term let alone 40 weeks and be able to walk out of hospital the next day with my baby after giving birth! defo worth a few weeks of pain for! Sometimes we dont think though like a lady mentioned above women moan about trivial things well i was one of those! I had a right moan when my tummy got covered and stretch marks but thats just because thats how i felt at the time i didnt stop to think of women who cant have kids that it might upset them me moaning about stretchies :blush: unfortunatly thats just what we do were only human we moan we forget about others feelings at times. I think we just have to shrug it off and be happy with our little early bundles !! :cloud9:


I agree it is hurtful to hear people whining about being overdue...but I also see both sides. I cannot say what it feels like to be overdue, but can imagine it's not very comfortable and probably very tiring. I can understand the want to complain a little, but I do not like reading "get this baby out" and so on especially when its not even the persons due date yet...

I honestly get more upset by the Im 'viable' threads made by moms who are 24 weeks...I even made one when I was not really knowing what it meant if my baby was born then. But did I ever find out 4 days later...I wish those ladies could all read my story and understand that though "yes" they are doesn't always mean good things and positive outcomes (ok they wouldn't get that from my story..but you know what I mean). A baby born at 24 weeks is not something anyone wants.
I think the Viable threads are just relief that their baby as least has a small chance if born

I know thats how I felt when I posted I was viable
I totally understand that. But I also think, like when I posted there isn't always the knowledge of just how rough of a go they would have. I had very little knowledge of preemies before Lakai, in fact I had a very hard time looking at their pictures even. But now they are the cutest wee things ever.

That's all I meant by it.
I can understand your feelings, I think its silly when I see all these "eviction time" posts. The baby comes when it is ready to, and I would never try and bring on labour. I had to be induced with my first and I was fed up of being pregnant but I was not happy to be induced cos I felt that my body was not ready yet. You have a right to feel how you do, and I think nobody should say you are ranting at the 3rd tri ladies because you posted in your own forum specific to your own feelings.
Try to not let it get to you though, everyone has their own feelings and some woman are suffering a lot at the end, some woman are in labour for ages, or have bad spd, or some other reason and really feel at the end of their rope.
hi hun im trying to think of a way to word this without it sounding wrong to anyone in anyway :hugs:
i can see and understand both sides.. my first was born at 38 weeks, my 2nd was born at 42 weeks and my 3rd was born at 24 weeks. i think i was alot more patient with my first as i had no problems and he came 2 weeks early so i never had chance to get tired or fed up etc but with my 2nd as soon as i went over the 40 weeks mark i did get very very tired and fed up.. not too tthe point i was desperate to have him out but i was emotionally and physically stressed and actually started to believe i was going to be pregnant forever.. i was sore, tired, achy.. every little pain and i thought 'this is it' and it wasnt (that alone tires you and gets you down) it is hard work so i can understand why women are desperate when their close to their dates to meet their lo. its not that they are being selfish or ungratefull in anyway.. theyr just doing whats natural and wanting their baby in their arms. im 33 weeks pregnant now and im already eager to meet lo and that doesnt mean i want baby to come now but i am emotionally and physically nackered and i still have another 6 weeks to go and i feel like this even after having a 24 weeker x
the other thing is that although i can understand where you ladies are comming from (and i do very much so) i dont think its fair to (how can i put this) ... have a moan about women having a moan about going overdue. i got to 24 weeks with my baby boy and he was born and was in neonatal for 4 days, i would have loved to have got to full term with him just as much as you ladies would have loved to have got to full term with your little darlings but i didnt and i also never got to bring him home either as he passed away in my arms when he was 4 days old. now.. i could sit here and type a simular thread about how i wish ladies who bought their babies home wouldnt moan about anything like this as they still have their babies their with them but i wouldnt because i just dont think its fair to do that.
anyways my point is does it really matter that women moan about certain things in pregnancy, it is hard if youv been through something that others havnt but being bitter about it wont change anything and if your baby is with you isnt that all that matters surely? doesnt matter how or when they arrived.. you have them their with you :hugs:
please dont take this post the wrong way, im just trying to explain from my point of view being a mother of a bay 2 weeks overdue and a preemie who only lived for 4 days. xx
Thanks ladies - I would really appreciate no more replies now cause I was just having an emotional day and i kinda feel shot down.

BTW I was not talking about the forum - the forum is here to air our issues, moans and groans.
Sb22 I know where you are coming from and I know what you meant so dont worry!


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