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Reflux = wean early?


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2009
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LO is on Gaviscon for reflux. Her GP, who is very experienced and the paed specialist for the practice, suggested weaning earlier could help. He said it was not a reason in itself but that if she showed other signs of being ready then to consider starting weaning at 17weeks.

Anyone else heard of this? Done this?
Me :) I weaned at wk 20 due to reflux. I started with baby rice, then started to add jars after 2 wks. I didnt introduce much varieties or meals (only 1 solid until 5.5 mnths) as I didnt want to desturb his stomach with too much solids, & he started to go off his bottles because of weaning. It helped reduce his reflux but it's not magic. Frm my experience, baby rice is the only thing that helps for reflux at an early stage, most veggies/fruits desturbed my LO's stomach. We were on & off solids until he showed signs & was ready at 6.5 mnths
Heard of it a lot but not all doctors agree with this, my friends' baby had pretty bad reflux and she had heard about weaning early to help, and her doctor told her he didn't agree at all. If you're happy to wean at 17 weeks then obviously fine but if you'd rather wait, then maybe get a second opinion.
i was recomended it and did it and rhys is loving it :)

started weaning at 17 weeks and his reflux is so much better now. like a new baby xx
Nic had reflux but I didn't wean him until 6 months, in all honesty it did get better as he got older anyway without giving solids. That said he was still gaining weight nicely with it so I wasn't worried about it. :)
My LO has reflux also and we haven't started weaning yet. It seems to be getting better as she gets older anyway (still spits up loads but doesn't seem to be in so much pain anymore)
Tegan had a severe form of reflux (forgot the name) bought on by an operation she had. We were told by HV, GP and paediatrician to wean her at 14 weeks. I tried it for a week but she was just as sick as ever, only her sick was lumpier, more colourful and smelled worse, so I just stopped her food and went back to milk. She was finally weaned at 26 weeks old, and still bought her food up for the next six months. She's not sick often at all now (22 months)

It has to be your own decision but please keep in mind it doesn't always work. Unfortunately its not a miracle cure :(
^^ agreed with Tegans Mama.
Thanks ladies. Since she is calmer now she's on Gaviscon we have adjusted our evening routine so we have dinner before she goes to bed and she can sit with us and we will take it from there.
My doctor/pediatrician doesn't recommend it for ronan's reflux after we discussed it at his last visit. Like others have said it's not guaranteed or a cure all.
I tried to wean mirren at 4 months due to reflux - she was fine with rice and puree apple and pear - but anything else was a no go! She would just keep bringing up stuff between feeds. Also at that young age they still need so much formula and everytime she had formula the food was still in her stomach and that came up with the milk! yuk - so just made it harder to clean up - stained clothes, foul smelling sick and technicolour sheets at nap time!

I tried again at just over 5 months and she can eat almost anything - she does bring up small amounts, but not like before. she can't have water or juice with her meals though as this just causes a massive puke session!

i thicken all purees with babyrice - even some jars are too runny so I thicken them too! lol
I tried to wean mirren at 4 months due to reflux - she was fine with rice and puree apple and pear - but anything else was a no go! She would just keep bringing up stuff between feeds. Also at that young age they still need so much formula and everytime she had formula the food was still in her stomach and that came up with the milk! yuk - so just made it harder to clean up - stained clothes, foul smelling sick and technicolour sheets at nap time!

I tried again at just over 5 months and she can eat almost anything - she does bring up small amounts, but not like before. she can't have water or juice with her meals though as this just causes a massive puke session!

i thicken all purees with babyrice - even some jars are too runny so I thicken them too! lol

It's exactly the same with Omar. I'm still afraid to give him water, so I just give him few sips frm time to time. He's doing great now & his reflux is much better, but we still have some days (like today) when he brings up some of his bottles. He's still taking anti reflux formula.
We've found that FInlays reflux has improved a lot since we started weaning, we started at 5 months which isnt that early but ive def heard it recommended
My little girl has very bad reflux and still projectile vomits even now on gaviscon, just not as much as before. My GP told me once she starts solids the sphincter will strengthen so the reflux will start to ease after a while, but it will not be immediate by any stretch. He told me he would advise against weaning early because some degree of it is related to age and mobility as well, particularly in bad cases like my baby.
my son had reflux and he was weaned early with no side effects ..
We weaned at 5 months - initially it helped his reflux in that the solids stayed down well - water, juice and milk continued to be a problem though. Since teething hit him though, the reflux is dreadful with solids and fluids alike, so be prepared that that could be an issue in the future too. Good luck - hope solids do help your LO whenever you decide to wean - reflux sucks!
We weaned at 5 months due to reflux we ONLY gave her babyrice and we only gave her about 2 spoonfulls and it fixed it.

I am aware that it may not work for everyone tho.
Weaning was, for us, the only thing that helped Maia's reflux. Even today, at almost a year old, she still needs to have something solid in her tummy to keep her milk down. My pediatrician recommended that we put rice cereal in her last bottle of the day starting at 2months. I didn't feel comfortable, so I waited until she was almost 3 months - she kept waking up choking on her spit up, and it was scary. Sure enough, she stopped spitting up during the night when we gave her the rice in her bottle. We didn't give her any other solids or spoon feed her until she was between 5 and 6 months though (it was quite the debate - here we wait until 6 months, but in my OH's country, it's 5 months).

I noticed right away a huge difference in the amount of spit up and discomfort. Maybe it doesn't work for everyone, but it really helped us!


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