Oh gosh... I'm so sorry
I've been in a similar situation before, when I was pregnant with my youngest (we were homeless for nearly a year, including after he was born [that was almost 5 years ago now - I've come a long ways since then, and you will too] --- and when I finally found a place to stay, it too was infested with cockroaches! Lol! It's either some foreboding indication or the complete opposite... I haven't quite decided yet. I still can't seem to get away from the damn things either --- they come inside my current place just to simply flop on their backs and laden my floors with their corpses ugh [the landlord here sprays at least] omg I hate to train wreck this... but one time while sleeping on a cot when I was able to stay in someone's spare room, I WOKE UP WITH ONE ON MY FACE. MY FREAKIN' FACE nooo I'm still traumatized
It's hard enough struggling with practicality and all the responsibilities (even with help --- I too know what it's like to attempt to deal without it), but to have heartache burdening you as well?
you're amazing for coping as well as you already are.
You probably won't believe me, but, I think him completely exiting your lives the way he has (as foul and pathetic as that is of him) is a blessing in disguise... you deserve better, as does your daughter. You really don't deserve someone who can treat you that way. Don't ever settle for less than what builds you up. For many years to come, she needs you to feel strong and good as much as you need you to. In actuality you were too good for someone like him.
Unfortunately, no one else can convince you of your worth. Only you can. I say unfortunately because, no matter how much someone else may want you to SEE how beautiful you are and how much irreplaceable value you have, if that's not what you see --- what you believe --- it doesn't matter if anyone else can.
I've been there too... and after lots and lots of therapy
(I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, heh), I came to the understanding that feeling worthy isn't going to come naturally for me, it has to, much against *my* desires, be worked at... Slowly carving out negative words and eventually beliefs towards oneself, and replacing them with positive words and eventually beliefs towards oneself. It doesn't happen over night... or if it can, that completely eluded me and I wanna know why I had to go through years of that (and STILL am) when there was a simpler way damnit! Lol. Learning to love yourself... though... will likely be one of the best, most beneficial, lessons, you can ever learn. Doesn't mean you will never feel lonely --- or any other normal thing such as that --- but you *will* know, in the midst of such, you are always good enough, and you deserve more and *will* have that one day.
I know it can be so hard to persist in the unknown --- but just like good times come and go, so do bad ones. The future is uncertainty itself... but if you can pull through the darkest times, usually something really beautiful and worthwhile awaits. Have faith, cry when you need to, focus on yourself right now --- allow yourself to feel joy when possible. You have a little miracle growing inside of you, and yes, such comes with its own challenges --- but when met, can offer satisfaction, purpose and so much growth --- and you sound like you will make an amazing mother
I hope you're able to find someone to lean on during this arduous time. That you're able to do so much while contending with so much *is* admirable.
Praying for you and your baby --- good luck
(Also, feel free to contact me! I know the virtual medium is no substitute, but if you ever just want someone to vent to or anything, I ish available).