Reese hasn't aspirated since the NICU. We have been lucky about that! Other than having blind spots where her retinas didn't develop blood vessels, her lungs are her only major issue right now. Well... that and her temper! She is a smiley baby and is always laughing but.... wow! When she doesn't get her own way, she throws a temper tantrum that is hilarious. It won't be funny in a year or two if I can't nip it now but watching a tiny little oxygen dependent baby girl shake her fist in the air and scrunch up her face while yelling is just too funny.
I am over-protective with Reese too and I worry all the time. My prayers every night revolve around her health. I have had to learn to relax a little though because my other children are twins and are only 9 1/2 months older than Reese. They weren't quite 14 months old when Reese came home from the NICU! I bought things like a breathing alarm pad for her bed so that I could relax and spend quality time with the twins while she slept. It has not been easy. My other daughter often gets jealous of Reese. Wants medicine whenever Reese has hers, tries to get Reese's inhalers, the other day she took the old nasal cannula after I changed Reese's and I found her in the kitchen trying to put it in her nose. I try really hard to include her in everything I do with Reese, I let her help when I'm doing Reese's Physical therapy exercises, in hopes she will stop being jealous.
I am considering resigning my job and staying at home full time as a way to limit the amount of illnesses that come into our home but the twins LOVE going to daycare (nursery). I know it would be better for Reese if they didn't go there but I just hate the thought of the twins not getting to go. It is so hard to find a balance between what is best for her and what is best for the whole family.