Hi your story is similar to mine
My dd was not hospitalised but I was advised to top her up with formula after each feed... This was due to me topping her up with expressed milk and still no weight gain. When i started this she loved the bottle. ( maybe I should have topped her up through a syringe) but for 5 days she refused to latch... She would do the same as your dd... A few seconds then pull off screaming
I pumped 6 times a day to keep my supply as best I could and got a breast feeding peer support worker out to my house.... She showed me how to feed lying in bed.... Bingo... Scarlett was relaxed, I was relaxed ...
It took a good few days before we got going well again and a lot of people suggested doing the formula supplement in the middle of the feed so as she gets comfort from the breast at start and end of feed
Things are going well now I feed her breast first then formula top up after in a bottle... She has no latching issues at all
The only advise I can give is just keep trying, try to relax as best you can. I know it's so hard. I sat sobbing my heart out in floods of tears every time she pulled off and my dh had to take her and ff her as I was sitting crying
I now pump 3 times a day just to stimulate my supply more as my dd takes quite a bit if formula as a top up but I'm happy with doing combi feeding.
Could you get support from a lactation consultant???? They're meant to be fabulous!! Keep pumping to keep your supply.
You're doing a great job so far and most people would prob have given up in our situation so be proud