Riley's birth story 04/05/2010


Proud mummy to my 2 boys
Jun 7, 2010
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Oh my gosh, I still cant believe little Riley is here. He is just so perfect!

I started getting strong contractions Sunday night (2nd May) coming every 10 mins and they were taking my breath away but not painful. I had some brown discharge so told hubby this may be the start of something. Then it really hit me that after 9 months of waiting we could be about to meet our little man and that really freaked me out.
I started crying saying I want sure I could do it and what if I couldnt do it. Hubby was amazing and really helped to calm me down. I just dont know what came over me. I calmed down and a few hours later I got a proper bloody show and the conctractions started getting stronger so at 10pm I phoned the midwife.
I told her I was booked in for a home birth and she said she would send sombody out to me to assess me.
The midwife came out and went through my notes with me watching me all the time to see how I was reacting to the contractions. She said she could tell straight away I wasnt in established labour as I was coping to well with the contractions and was very calm. She examined me only to find I was 1 cm dilated.
She said labour wasnt imminant but he would probably be here in the next few days, she just suggested paracetamol and to get some sleep.
I eventually dropped off but woke up 4 or 5 times in the night in pain.
Monday morning the contractions had died out and I had a very mild backache. We went to my mums for dinner and throughout the day the contractions get strong again but had no regularity. By 8pm they were really painful, coming every 7 mins and I was struggiling to breathe through them. Mum and dad helped hubby to set up the birth pool and they left saying they would be meeting their grandson very soon. Everyone had tears in their eyes as I think it hit us then that I would probably be having my baby that night. We phoned hubbys parents to tell them I was in labour and then called the midwife. She came out again and examined me. I was 2-3 cms and asked what I wanted to do.
I could ither go into hospital to monitor the baby for an hour to make sure he was ok before coming home to have him, go into hospital to get more pain relif or I could have a bath and see how i went,
I decided to go in to monitor him as I was getting really worked up and struggling.
We got to hospital after me having 3 contractions on the way in the car, got hooked up to the monitor where I was left for an hour. The midwife kept coming in to check on me as I was forgetting to breathe through the contractions and trying to hold my breath through them which made them even worse. Hubby was amazing and held my hand through each one reminding me to breathe and to try and relax, at one point he got up to give me a hug and I had a contraction grabbing a fistful of his hair lol. After an hour I was examined again and was told I was 4cms and could now have more painkillers. I was offered an epidural or pethadine, I chose pethadine as I really did not want an epidural, I made me feel so drunk but didnt really do anything for the pain, I was violently sick so was given an anti sickness injection. I slept inbetween contractions which were just as painful but looking back I think it did take the edge off.
She examined me again a few hours later and said I was 7-8 cms and could have gas and air. I hated it but it helped to take my mind off the contractions so carried on with it, I had only had the gas and air for 2 contractions and I suddenly felt a huge urge to push down, I thought I was trying to break my waters as I knew they hadnt gone yet. The midwife came in and told me to stop pushing as I wasnt ready. The gas and air made my voice go really deep and I yelled "I need to push" Hubby said I sounded like something out of the exorsist, especially as as I was pushing I was growling, apperantly the only thing missing was the head spinning.
The midwife left again and I had another strong urge to push, hubby tried to tell me to stop but I just couldnt, the urge was like nothing I have ever felt before, It really felt like my body just took over and there was nothing I could do about it.
I buzzed the midwife and shouted "you told me not to push but I just cant fight it anymore I have to push" she told me to lay on my side to take the pressure off my bum and to try and breathe and not to push untill she had examined me, as I rolled over I rolled half off the bed and hubby had to support my head and chest untill she called another midwife in. I was pushing against hubby who was yelling at the midwife that he couldnt hold me anymore and they needed to get me back on the bed. The 2nd midwife said she could see his head as I was pushing. The struggled to break my waters and it took a good few minutes to break them, I was actually laughing with them about it in between contractions and apoligising for being so loud, they were lovley and said I wasnt being loud at all and I was the only one in that night so I could be as loud as I wanted. (Turns out there were quite a few people in that night and they were just being nice) Once they had managed to break my waters he was out within 4 minutes.
He was put straight on my chest and hubby took one look and burst into tears, I think he was shocked at how quick he had come out. Riley Alfred Russell C*****n was born 4th May at 02:24 weighing 6 lbs 12 oz. I was in labour 3 hours 55 mins and pushing for 14 minutes. We were allowed home just after 5am. He is just so perfect, I had stitches which are sore but he is worth every second. He isnt really taking a bottle at the moment which is frustrating for us and for him, I tried breast feeding in the hospital but because of the speed of his birth he was still feeling the effects of the pethadine so was just to tired to latch.
Hubby is a fantastic daddy and we both love him so much already! It is a shame I didnt get my homebirth :( but he was just born so fast I dont think I could of coped at home.

A few hours old

5 days old

1 month old
Lovely story, congrats on your beautiful little boy!
Great story! He is gorgeous! Congrats!
Congrats on little riley! I love the second pic with his forehead wrinkles - makes him look sooo cute!
awwwwwwww well done chickie!!! u and hubby created beautiful little man hes sooooo adorable!!!

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