Yes, see your GP. It's usually an inflammatory condition, sometimes bordering almost on autoimmune, where your body turns on itself and creates an inflammatory response where one isn't needed. Trying to figure out those triggers can help some. For me, it's too much alcohol, stress and lack of sleep. The stress is the big one. And alcohol in moderation is fine for (I usually only drink, obviously not now that I'm pregnancy, but otherwise on the weekends, so like Friday and Saturday with dinner I'll have a few glasses of wine, or Friday night and then Sunday lunch, etc.). So I only drink maybe 2 days out of every week, rather than more regularly. I find it tends to flare up if I have alcohol more often than that. Like we were on holiday recently for two weeks and though I wasn't drinking heavily (obviously with a 4 year old who gets up at 6am!), but I certainly probably had a couple glasses of wine with lunch or with dinner most days. That definitely made it flare up.
Your GP will likely, if it's rosacea, offer you a lengthy course of antibiotics. It's not a bacterial infection, but antibiotics have strong anti-inflammatory properties and they can halt the inflammatory response that's making your body react like that. I've done that twice and it's not pleasant, but it's worth it to get on top of it so you can then work on ways to prevent it coming back. It's usually a course of 1 antibiotic for 2 weeks and then you step down to a different one for a further 6 weeks, decreasing the amount as you go until you wean yourself off after a full 8 weeks. It sounds horrible to think of taking antibiotics for 2 months, but it was really the only thing that did it for me when it was really bad. There is also a cream now on prescription that you can get. It only just came out after I finished my second course of antibiotics and I've not had a serious flare up since then (that was probably 3 years ago), so you might ask about that as well. I'm not keen on antibiotics and they do have unpleasant side effects (especially the stronger one you often start on first, that made me horribly nauseous), but it was worth it and I felt much better when it was done.
But figuring out your triggers really helps. Like I said, it's often stress, alcohol, caffeine, too much sun exposure, chemicals (like chlorine in swimming pools does it for me), spicy foods, quick changes in temperature (like being outside in the cold winter air and going into a really warm house). Also, doing things to soothe your skin when it's inflamed helps. I started doing the oil cleansing method, so I don't use any soap on my face, only an oil blend that I mix up myself and I really credit that with sorting it out for me. I started that just during my last course of antibiotics (I did 2 8 week courses in the first year after it started) and I've only had one minor flare up since then, which wasn't really a big deal symptom wise and due to being under intense stress (I'd had a miscarriage), so as soon as the stress got better, my face did too. Other people use oat masks and that helps soothe it as well.
It is possible to get on top of it. Mine started after my daughter was born and was really bad for a year. It was only on one patch on my left cheek and then my eye. You can get ocular rosacea, which is somewhat rare, but it's basically the same, but in your eye. My eye would just go completely blood shot, puff up and would weep (I literally looked like I had conjunctivis, my eye would seal shut with crusty discharge every night and I'd have to clean it in the mornings just to open my eye). It was horrible for the first year, but I got it under control, managing stress, diet, not using soap, etc. and it's been mostly okay now for the past 3 years with only that one minor flare up.