I've had 2 early losses in the past 6 months and now am pg almost 8 weeks and due in October. I had a u/s at 7w1d and measured 7w0d with a heartbeat of 159 and was told all looked good. But naturally I still have worries about miscarriage although I'm nauseous, I throw up here and there, I'm tired, and have round ligament pains here and there (this is my 7th pregnancy - I've had 4 healthy pregnancies so I know distinctly what round ligament pains are).
I guess my question is - if I'm experience round ligament pains does that mean baby is growing and there is less chance of miscarriage? Has anyone experienced a miscarriage but still had round ligament pains? Thanks!
I guess my question is - if I'm experience round ligament pains does that mean baby is growing and there is less chance of miscarriage? Has anyone experienced a miscarriage but still had round ligament pains? Thanks!