Am i too late to post here?
I swore my daughter had this for awhile. She was a preemie and had an NG tube for almost 5 weeks in the NICU (I've heard the NG tube can make reflux worse).
Maybe it was just her Moro reflex, but it scared the crap out of me. She would scream and turn red during feedings too. Throw her head back and her whole body would stiffen.
She power vomited everyday until about 3 days ago when I switched her formula to hypoallergienic (Similac Alimentum-I had tried the Nutramigen awhile back and it didn't help her vomiting). She also takes Zantac (she took Prilosec also, but the texture of it made her gag and throw up).
GERD and milk protein allergies go hand in hand, and if they have an allergy to milk protein, they probably do to soy also. I found out the hard way about soy when I would thicken her feeds with rice cereal and she would vomit more. Gerber rice cereal has soy in it.
Maybe talking to the pediatrician about cutting dairy And soy out of your diets if your BF'ing or switching formula? I have a new baby. She smiles and laughs. It's a miracle. And I'm not doing 80 loads of laundry a day anymore or wearing baby vomit perfume.
It's just a thought.