If a teacher told one of my children, I wouldn't be held responsible for my actions how old was you? That is really awful, my DH's parents told him when he was 4 I think it was, pure evil if you ask me
I think it sorta just fazed out, there was always a couple of kids in school who didnt beleive then as more joined the 'non beleivers' i thought i'd better join too then eventually my nan would just bring the presents down before i went to bed i think i was about 8 when i stopped beleiving
my parents thought it was time i new, i was about 6/7 and very inquizative and id seen santas shoes, and i said he had the same shoes daddy had... so they told me and my responce was "Oh, ok. atleast the easter bunny is real"... erm sweetheart about the easter bunny.... LMAO
I found out quite young about 6 years old and it was actually a book in our classroom's reading corner and their was a picture on the last page with saint nicolas's gravestone and the date he died
Omg that sounds soooooo morbid!!!
It was a book about how christmas came about and ended with them saying how after this guy died parents kept on the tradition or something along those lines.
My mum was raging when I took the book home and showed her
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