scared for our baby, high chance of preemie


Expecting my rainbow boy
Apr 1, 2010
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I'm introducing myself, looking for support. Just been for a growth/fluid scan. My fluid level is down to 6.5cm (at 21 + 2 it was 11.1cm then at 23 +4 it was 10.2cm). There is so evidence to support that it is PPROM as I've no signs of infection, baby's growth is great (estimated 1lb 8 oz today at 25 + 4), and fluid would probably be gone by now but no evidence to placental problems either as cord was working fine and also baby's growth is above 50th centile. However, consultant said she would worry at 2cm fluid and we aren't a million miles away from that. She did send me away for 2 weeks (would have been 3 but she's fully booked then) so she doesn't seem concerned and baby could have more fluid than measured due to being breech again (past two scans she was cephalic and at 20 week scan when they said they thought I had PPROM-ed, she was breech) and also scans are only 2d plus pockets with cord and limbs in can't be measured. I'm worried about being hospitalised at 5cm or less (don't know if this would happen, Drs are all different) but have a feeling our baby might not see the 37-40 week mark. Our next scan we will be 27 + 4, almost 28 weeks. Are our chances at baby's survival good then or at 30 weeks?

I'm scared about labour/c-section too. I wasn't until my 20 week scan when they said labour was imminent with PPROM and since then I have been panicking. Are c-sections really dangerous?

Just wanted to send hugs and let you know that my son was born at 24 weeks and he is doing fine now, ideally the further you can get baby, the better but they are all such little fighters.

Have they discussed giving you steriods for baby's lungs?

Hiya hun,

Nowadays the survival rates are high. I had my baby at 27+4 and there are loads of mummies with 27 weekers here. :)
Many ladies have c-sections with preemies, my mum did with me at 29 weeks.

Please try not to panic, easier said than done, but we're all here to support you! Every day matters now :)
My baby was born at 27 weeks exactly, weighing just 1 lb 13 oz and she is absolutely fine so far - she's 8.5 months old now and doing really well. I was told at 25 weeks that I might just get to 30 weeks, and THAT scared me, let alone 27 weeks! I had no idea at the time just how many babies are born early and I really didn't think she'd have much chance of survival. But they are such fighters, and the neonatal care is amazing.

I've now met so many preemie parents and when Sophie was in, there were a couple of 24 and 25 weekers in and the were doing really well.

As bob said, the longer they are in, the better, but they can do well even at 24 weeks. The steroids are a good idea.

Any questions jusy ask - there are loads of us on here who'd be happy to help.

Hope your baby stays put a while yet :hugs:
The longer your baby stays put the better and make sure you get steroids as soon as possible for bubs lungs xx
I totally agree what everyone has said..and so I won't add to it. But I wanted to share this with you. While in the NICU one of my son's roommates was a little man born at 30 weeks, who's mom lost ALL her fluid at 16 weeks. And though Cole had some lung issues, because there was no fluid going in and out of them. He did SOOO well. He went home before his due date, he has had issues with illnesses but he is developing AWESOME!

There is always hope. This momma was told to abort Cole, and he would NEVER live. And she said no, long as there was a heart beat on the ultrasound he was staying put. She wasn't on bedrest or anything either.

Good luck hon and though it seems impossible, try to not fret too much.
Hello! Another proud mom to a 27 weeker here *waves to katy and sb22*. After 25 weeks the odds are very good - over 85% in most western hospitals. Obviously the farther you can go, the better it is. Though it's not always true - as others have chimed in, some babies born at 24 weeks do just fine long term. Full term babies can have health problems too! And at almost 2 pounds your little one already has a higher weight than many babies who are thriving here - mine was only 1lb 4oz at birth and is currently doing great.

The c section is very straightforward. I had a 'classic' c section (in a large T, more invasive than the 'modern' one which is a small cut line) to give my little guy the best odds, and it was a breeze anyway. I was in there less than 45 minutes and most of that was waiting for the epidural to take effect. I could get up the next day (to see my little guy, nothing was keeping me in that bed =p ) and released after 5 days. Stairs were a problem for a while but 6-8 weeks later I felt great.
The OP seems to have covered everything.

Hope your lo stays cooking for a lot longer x
I've got no advice hun, I'm sorry but just want to let you know that I'm always here if you need to chat xx
Hello! Another proud mom to a 27 weeker here *waves to katy and sb22*. After 25 weeks the odds are very good - over 85% in most western hospitals. Obviously the farther you can go, the better it is. Though it's not always true - as others have chimed in, some babies born at 24 weeks do just fine long term. Full term babies can have health problems too! And at almost 2 pounds your little one already has a higher weight than many babies who are thriving here - mine was only 1lb 4oz at birth and is currently doing great.

The c section is very straightforward. I had a 'classic' c section (in a large T, more invasive than the 'modern' one which is a small cut line) to give my little guy the best odds, and it was a breeze anyway. I was in there less than 45 minutes and most of that was waiting for the epidural to take effect. I could get up the next day (to see my little guy, nothing was keeping me in that bed =p ) and released after 5 days. Stairs were a problem for a while but 6-8 weeks later I felt great.

*waves back!* :wave:
HopefulMi - i was wondering how u was gettin on :hugs:

i really baby stays put for a while yet :)

sending big :hugs: to u and bambi xxx
I don't think we are in immediate danger, cervix is long and closed. I don't seem to be leaking, but the fluid levels have a massive impact. It's good that my next scan is 27 + 4 and even more reassuring she would have left us for another week
this is gonna sound really stupid, but if ur not leaking then where is the fluid going?
this is gonna sound really stupid, but if ur not leaking then where is the fluid going?
lol, I wondered that too!

I don't think we are in immediate danger, cervix is long and closed. I don't seem to be leaking, but the fluid levels have a massive impact. It's good that my next scan is 27 + 4 and even more reassuring she would have left us for another week

I can't add anything other than what has been said, just wanted to be another voice of support and let you know we're here if you need us. :hugs:
Well, we don't know. Been back in today, still finding little patches here and there yet my speculum was negative again. Could be a tiny slow leak at the top but nobody knows. Consultant seemed to think it was more a production problem as kidneys and bladder looked fine, baby is growing. Who knows? 6.5mm is still classed as ok though, just has to be monitored.

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