It's been a while since I've been on as I gave up on hope and couldn't read up anymore on baby loss but every time I fall pregnant I just need support. I am on my 6th pregnancy , I have a happy healthy boy 4 years old and have and 3 natural misscarriges at 5 weeks and a missed misscarrige 11 weeks (baby measured 5 weeks) I am currently 5 weeks and 4 days I think (defo in 5th week) and am so scared ! I have had my progesterone levels checked (62) and my hcg (1726) and have a visable sac on top of my tummy but an internal scan can't see a yolk sac or fetal pole so I have to have a rescan 9 days later and totally worried :'( I have had test done locally and at st marys in London and all clear and say I'm healthy and a case of bad luck ..