They made a new yaz, she's probably on that. I HATED yaz though, it gave me constant yeast infections and headaches, yuck! I'd try a different type of bc.
Stop taking it Hun and try something else as birth control if you and your OH don't want a Nother LO yet there are always things he can do to prevent it and there are other things you can have as well. Hope you start to feel better soon. As for the MIL thing is it just me or does everyone think they get a say in our life's just because we had kids young? We are all very capable of deciding what we want and when we want it, if you and your OH wanted another LO it's got nothing to do with other people it's not like you are asking your perents to bring up your kids if you did then that's a bit different.
gah it annoys me so much. I mean seriously me and OH live together in our own rental and we are independant but my mum still comes here telling me to make my bed or MIL tells me how to raise my child and tells me what he does and doesnt like...I mean seriously she never sees him and apparently she knows everything about him. My mum is always asking have you started your pill yet and when I tell her Im not taking it she goes psycho and starts yelling at me and tells me Im not allowed to go anywhere :S weirdo