Sorry for the rant, and this is kind of a retorical question but I'm getting myself down about it.. Is it wrong to breast feed one but not the other, when the reasons are so completely and utterly selfish........ I mean, maybe not selfish, just.... I'm going to get kicked for saying this but FF seems so much easier.. FF babies do seem to sleep better, and FF mums don't need to spend hours glued to the sofa ect...
I find breastfeeding easy with Caitlyn but when you've got a toddler and a baby.... and what if I don't stop breast feeding Caitlyn but don't want to breast feed the next baby....
Not even pregnant and already worrying about it!
I find breastfeeding easy with Caitlyn but when you've got a toddler and a baby.... and what if I don't stop breast feeding Caitlyn but don't want to breast feed the next baby....