Second Pregnancy - More Painful?


Mum of 2 Boys!
Nov 3, 2009
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Girls who have had 2 or more babies, did you find the pregnancy more painful than your first? I spoke to my friend today and she said her 2nd pregnancy was more painful. I ask because I keep having quite intense lower abdominal pains. It only lasts a few minutes then goes. I've spoke to early pregnancy unit because I was scared but they reassured me that it's normal. I honestly don't remember the cramps being like this with Tristan. The only way to explain it is like needing to go to the toilet but not needing to if you know what I mean?
I have noticed that with this pregnancy I have been having more cramping and pulling pains than I had with DS. Nothing severe, just more. With DS, I was crampy for about that first week before I tested and then just a few days after. With this one, it's still going on. I've also been having what I think is pelvic girdle pain, which I know I did not have with DS.
Yeh I think I felt the same with DS. I guess some things I'll be noticing more after worrying because of recurrent loss
Do doctor straight up told me it would be more painful and that I would gain more weight than last time. Yay! But its totally normal. I have been the same way too
So far this pregnancy has not been more painful. In fact, I felt way less cramping and tugging at the start than I did with my first! Personal opinion, but I think it's specific to your body and how it functions. I have definitely been more tired which likely has to do with running around a toddler all day long but no aches or pains to report. Shouldn't speak too soon but so far so good!
I am pregnant with #3, so far the pregnancy has been less painful. I have nausea similar to the first two, fatigue which isn't quite as bad, no cramping or weird pains, fewer headaches and less heartburn......
I gained less weight with #2 than with #1, and both were hard with different strange symptoms. I had more braxton hicks with #2 and more back pain because I was carrying around a 1 year old....
Each pregnancy is a bit different!
Do doctor straight up told me it would be more painful and that I would gain more weight than last time. Yay! But its totally normal. I have been the same way too

I certainly hope I don't gain more weight with this one :nope: I gained more than they wanted me to with DS and never lost it! I think I will be watching what I eat more closely this time, and not give in to the junk food cravings. :)
I've definitely felt far worse this time round. Much worse cramping; in fact don't remember having any at all with my DD
I have already had much more cramping this time round, and just a constant bloat feeling that never goes away, hurts to have pants on my tummy by the end of the day. I am hoping its just normal and everything is going fine in there!
This is my second pregnancy, it has been a lot rougher all the way around.
Yep. I've found aches and pains worse this time round. X
yes! By the time I got to my third, everything seemed more intense. But I think it's because I knew what to look for. I agonized over the thigh pain, the shooting nerve thing and I already feel that pretty intensely again. With my third, walking was a major chore. Mind you, I weigh about 120 soaking wet, so everything has a bunch of stretching and tugging to do. It's a process. I also got more morning sickness with each one. But labor got easier!
i feel ALOT more achey/crampy this time around than i did with DD ! i wouldve thought it would have been less due to our bodies knowing that they have stretched out before not all that long ago ( for some of us personally ) .. hope everyone feels better soon xx
hi am preg with bubs 3 11+1. With 1 an 2 i had early scans at 7-9 weeks due abdo pain i have ibs so they blamed tht not had it this preg. My second preg was harder i was uncomfy an ended up bp meds 32+weeks i think she was on nerves. This preg seems ok so far apart from ms (didnt have with prev 2)
#2 werent to bad i did not gain more weight!

#3 has been very intense and the cramping i dont recall.with previous. by far the most painful and hardest and funnily enough even less weight gain so far :D
I feel like everything is worse this time around! My first pregnancy was a cake walk compared to this. MS, cramping, insomnia, food aversions/cravings, everything seems amplified this time. I had such an easy pregnancy the first time that I honestly thought other women exaggerated their symptoms, because pregnancy could NOT possibly be that bad. :haha::blush:
I owe you all an apology!
I can honestly say, this being preg #4, it's the hardest by far at this stage. Mine each gradually got harder. Not sure if it's circumstances..being more busy w kids..or just being paranoid and feeling every little tug. I'm with ya! :hugs:
I must be in the minority. I am on pregnancy #3 and finding it gets easier each time. Each time I've gained less weight (so far anyway) and feel like I'm having less aches and pains. Though the round ligament pains come sooner, I'm expecting them so I tend to not make sudden movements, which would bring them on. I feel like I also know what pains my body is going to have and how better to deal with them by now.

I also have drastically improved my diet each pregnancy and this time have been able to remain active. I think these two things are the biggest reason why I feel so good this time. I was on MBR last pregnancy and it sure was a long 9 months! Also want to add that labor and recovery with #2 were a breeze compared to #1. I am hoping it goes like that again and if it does I sure will be going for #4!

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