seeking some reassurance *update with pic* another update pg 3


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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Hi ladies! wow i didnt think id be posting here :flower: Basically to cut a long story short iv had to have a growth scan and baby is small measuring 30 weeks theyr concerned about blood flow and the placenta and my lo hasnt grown in the last 2 weeks and a couple appointments before she measured a week and a half behind but now shes 3 and a half weeks behind nearly 4, I been told im having another scan tommorrow they will be delivering her tommorow or over the week but arent commiting to a section yet however im worried a natural delivery will stress lo shes only 3 pounds 1 ounce at the moment, im also worried shes not going to be developed at a 34 weeks although they seem to think she will be just small? sorry if im making no sense im just a bit in shock and confused with it all and worried about my lo im just seeking the wisdom of those who have been through this before....

Hi girls, my beautiful little girl is here!! the section was straightforward she cried when they lifted her out!!! Shes 3 pound 3 ounces and is breathing on her own :cloud9: They have her in an incubator in scbu with an IV and theyr going to try her today with some milk through a tube hopefully i will be able to express some for her! I couldnt believe how small she is but so perfect! will update with pics soon


Try not to worry Hun but I know that's hard right now. Your LO has a lot going for her. She should be developed enough to breath on her own. She should only need to put weight on and learn to feed and maintain her temp before coming home. Although she is measuring small, all her insides and brain have been developing so I guess, she will be further along in development than her size.

I know how your feeling right now but your LO will be in the best hands. I too am from Edinburgh and Simpsons neonatal unit is one of the best in Scotland. The nurses and staff are all great.

If there is anything you want to run past me please feel free to send me a PM. I am working with BLISS and Simpsons to provide a regular monthly support for Mum's just like you.

Keep us all updated, the Mums on here are great and will also help you through this.

Dona and Archie xx
Thank you for your reply :) Im in st johns theres no mention of the simpsons my location is edinburgh on here im actually about 5 mins outside edinburgh thats why im in st johns. Iv heard lots of reassuring things about prem babies after speaking with the peadetrician so i feel a little better just very worried aprehensive as i have no experience of this

Hi ladies! wow i didnt think id be posting here :flower: Basically to cut a long story short iv had to have a growth scan and baby is small measuring 30 weeks theyr concerned about blood flow and the placenta and my lo hasnt grown in the last 2 weeks and a couple appointments before she measured a week and a half behind but now shes 3 and a half weeks behind nearly 4,

I had regular scans from 21 weeks onwards due to problems with placental bloodflow, my baby was IUGR (growth restriction - small for age). When born, was at least 4 weeks behind in size.

I been told im having another scan tommorrow they will be delivering her tommorow or over the week but arent commiting to a section yet however im worried a natural delivery will stress lo shes only 3 pounds 1 ounce at the moment,

Don't worry about this - the doctors will monitor your baby's stress levels and will do what is appropriate, even if that means a section. I had a section, it was a surreal experience as I walked into the theatre with only a small bump, and was wheeled out a Mum!

im also worried shes not going to be developed at a 34 weeks although they seem to think she will be just small?

34 weeks? Pah, she'll be developed! Andrew was born at 29 weeks (yes, really, 11 weeks early - and that's not the earliest on here) and he was fully developed. He just needed help with breathing for the next few weeks.

Andrew was only 1lb 6oz. He is now 22 weeks old (11 weeks corrected - basically 11 weeks since due date) and weighs 7lb 11oz. He is just fine. He may be small, but he's still a gorgeous baby that needs all the usual things - milk, nappies, cuddles and sleep.

Please try not to worry too much - it's far better that they've found the problem and can now monitor you, it's the best outcome.
Hi there :hi:

Firstly-try not to panic. Easier said than done I realise-but try and hold things together and think of the positives. . .you're about to become a mummy! Yay! :cloud9:

My little girl Brooke was born at 32+5 and weighed just 2lb 4oz. She had IUGR (inter-uterine growth restriction) which meant that she had stopped growing in the womb-they think at about 27 weeks but it had gone unnoticed.

Brooke did not need any help whatsoever at birth, even though she was tiny. She was transferred to SCBU immediatly, obviously and just kept warm by her incubator. She had a feeding tube in because she found it tiring to suck when being fed and she didnt have any sucking reflexes-she learnt that using her dummy! Regardless, I still managed to breast feed her for the first 5 months of her life, and we finally bought her home after 5 weeks in scbu weighing just 3lb 7oz.

Ask away any questions you may have-yes its overwhelming and totally scary, but the scbu staff are the nicest people you will EVER meet. dont be fazed by the beeping machines, wires and tubes either, they're just taking care of you baby and doing the same job as the umbilical in your womb.

Good Luck and Congratulations! xx
Thank you girls i feel alot better reading these. I have gone along to the scbu today the people are so lovely. Getting my section soon will update you

good luck huni, hope the section went smoothly xx
Looking forward to an update, best of luck xx
Alibaba24 had her little girl weighng 3lb 3oz and the section went well, according to a third Tri update

Sand xxxx
congrats huni on your baby girl thats a good birth weight. cant wait for pics x
heres a piccie of LO :cloud9:


  • Rose.jpg
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Congrats honey! She wonderful! I hope you are feeling ok!? :hugs:

Please keep us update as you can.
HUGE congratulations! She is beautiful, keep us updated x
Aww she is a wee cracker. Keep us posted xxx
Hi girls, shes a bit jaundice so they have her under UV lights for the time being, she has a little tube going into her nose to feed her and is currently getting 0.7 ml seems such a tiny little amount! She still has her IV in too they said when shes finished with the UV lights i might be able to get to hold her xx

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