Semen Analysis results


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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So as the first step we had my DH do a SA. We have gotten the results online but he doesn't have a GP appt until Thursday to go over the results, and this is the same GP that didn't think a SA was necessary in the first place, so I had my GP requisition the test.

It sounds good, but I am not too sure.
- 92 million / ml (this sounds good for the count!)
- 60% motility - that's all it says, it does not break down into grade A, B, C.
- 25% normal form/75% abnormal - that sounds low but its above the normal they list, anyone else have any numbers for morphology they have been either told are fine, or are a problem?
- The notes mention there is some agglutinatization, and there was a flag for having 3 immature forms/100.

I am thinking the last two are most likely due to the fact that DH had a prostate infection 6 weeks ago, and the test was 2 weeks after finishing antibiotics. But when he asked the GP if it was ok to have the test done that close to the infection he said yes.
So as the first step we had my DH do a SA. We have gotten the results online but he doesn't have a GP appt until Thursday to go over the results, and this is the same GP that didn't think a SA was necessary in the first place, so I had my GP requisition the test.

It sounds good, but I am not too sure.
- 92 million / ml (this sounds good for the count!)
- 60% motility - that's all it says, it does not break down into grade A, B, C.
- 25% normal form/75% abnormal - that sounds low but its above the normal they list, anyone else have any numbers for morphology they have been either told are fine, or are a problem?
- The notes mention there is some agglutinatization, and there was a flag for having 3 immature forms/100.

I am thinking the last two are most likely due to the fact that DH had a prostate infection 6 weeks ago, and the test was 2 weeks after finishing antibiotics. But when he asked the GP if it was ok to have the test done that close to the infection he said yes.

They should have graded the motility, as you suggested, whether it was in the form of A,B,C..etc or 0,1,2,3,4; 3 and 4 being good motility moving in a straight line and quickly.

I am more inclined to think that the agglutination is from the infection he had. Did he finish his antibiotics and take them correctly? I'm not a dr, but I would suggest that his GP continue to evaluate him to make sure the prostatits is completely gone, as once he has it, it can come back very easily.
I am more inclined to think that the agglutination is from the infection he had. Did he finish his antibiotics and take them correctly? I'm not a dr, but I would suggest that his GP continue to evaluate him to make sure the prostatits is completely gone, as once he has it, it can come back very easily.
Yes I'm concerned too if it is completely gone. He did take the antibiotics correctly but his dr. gave him less than the recommended number of days, thinking that was way too long to be taking antibiotics for. Hopefully the GP will evaluate.
Hi Velo!
I read your post on the other thread 'how to cope w/ other wom. pg.' but wanted to answer it here. I like your attitude about being more zen about ttc. I'm trying not to get all hyped up this month. I started temping with Fertility Friend/TCOYF. I can't believe you ov'd on CD9. That gives you a really long LH phase, right? I think that it's called that. Hope this is our month!!! I still don't understand the whole temping thing but I think, I will get the hang of it. I also read every page of the book TCOYF. So, I feel like I understand more then the first time when I read it. Although, still a bit overwhelming.

I also wanted to post my dh's last s/a results, so you could have something to compare to. Your dh's numbers sound really good!!!:happydance:

This test was done using the strict Kruger method.
Liquefaction: 45 min. (which they say is good)
Color: Opaque (good)
Viscosity: 1 (normal distinct drops none to slight) so i guess ok
ph: 7.6 (which is good)

Volume:4 ml (normal 2ml) (good)
concentration: 14.3 million (was a bit low)
Total count: 57.2 million (good)
Total motility a+b+ c : 44% (7% was first s/a) so big improvement but still low/urologist said.:wacko:

Morphology: 2% (when before it was 5%) first s/a horribly low

I think our issue is motility and morphology.

When this test was taken dh had only been on the vitamins for two weeks.

I have read that if a man has an infection or has taken antibiotics it can throw the whole test off. I don't understand why your gp said it wouldn't matter.:wacko: I think your dh should be re tested after his infection is gone and antibiotics out of his system.
Hi L.M.D.,
It looks like you got a bit more detail in your report! They didn't test the pH in ours for instance. A big improvement in the motility looks like things are moving in the right direction! Did they breakdown a, b, c for you or just give you a total? I am not sure if our total includes a+b+c or a+b. Morphology can be quite subjective - did the same lab do the tests both times?

Are you going to have another retest done after he has been on the vits for a few months?

Thanks for the comparison numbers. Its really amazing isn't it how it only takes ONE sperm but yet there need to be MILLIONS of motile normal shaped ones swimming around?
hi velo, I looked out my hubbies sperm anaylsis to compare, and I think you have very good results! the FS said my hubbies were excellent and joked that she wanted him as a sperm donor. Shows that theres something wrong with me with his super sperm :nope:
Now some of the terms are different but I will type out what it says on his sheet:

Volume 4.20 ml
Sperm Concentration 81.6 (then says x10 and a little 6 next to it)
Total Motile sperm (A+B) 162.96
Total Motile sperm (A+B+C) 204.96
Progressive motility (A+B) 48%
Total motility 60%
Total sperm count 342.72 (then says x10 and a little 6 next to it)
Normal morphology 44%
ph 7.2
=Its really amazing isn't it how it only takes ONE sperm

it really is quite amazing. my husband and I BD lots around ovulation (confirmed with ov tests and temping) and he has excellent sperm, so what is happening inside my body!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr :growlmad:
it really is quite amazing. my husband and I BD lots around ovulation (confirmed with ov tests and temping) and he has excellent sperm, so what is happening inside my body!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr :growlmad:

Well you are still in for this cycle right? And its only been a short time since the polyp was removed which may have been the problem!

Also apparently although sperm results can appear excellent, they have really no way of knowing whether the sperm can really "do their job" or not - ie penetrate an egg, unless they do an IVF.
hi velo, I looked out my hubbies sperm anaylsis to compare, and I think you have very good results! the FS said my hubbies were excellent and joked that she wanted him as a sperm donor. Shows that theres something wrong with me with his super sperm :nope:
Now some of the terms are different but I will type out what it says on his sheet:

Volume 4.20 ml
Sperm Concentration 81.6 (then says x10 and a little 6 next to it)
Total Motile sperm (A+B) 162.96
Total Motile sperm (A+B+C) 204.96
Progressive motility (A+B) 48%
Total motility 60%
Total sperm count 342.72 (then says x10 and a little 6 next to it)
Normal morphology 44%
ph 7.2

Thanks for the comparison! Sounds good! My DH had a lower volume (2 ml) but not sure if that's his normal, or the stress of doing a SA in a filthy gas station restroom. Anyway DH saw his GP who didn't say too much except that he thought the report was excellent, that the agglutination was due to the prostatitis, but figured it was gone since he rebounded so quickly in terms of how he felt, gave him some homeopathic remedy just in case, and suggested repeating the SA in 3 months if we still aren't pregnant. (presumably to make sure there is no more agglutination) The GP also mentioned they had their kid when he was 44 and his wife was 37. This does not make me feel better. I know I am not too old, I want to know whether either of us has any issues in the way!

Don't feel there is something wrong with you! Your body needs a bit of time to wake up and go hey that polyp is out of the way, its a good time to get pregnant now! :)
Hi L.M.D.,
It looks like you got a bit more detail in your report! They didn't test the pH in ours for instance. A big improvement in the motility looks like things are moving in the right direction! Did they breakdown a, b, c for you or just give you a total? I am not sure if our total includes a+b+c or a+b. Morphology can be quite subjective - did the same lab do the tests both times?

Are you going to have another retest done after he has been on the vits for a few months?

Thanks for the comparison numbers. Its really amazing isn't it how it only takes ONE sperm but yet there need to be MILLIONS of motile normal shaped ones swimming around?

The second s/a was done by a different lab. It's all so confusing! The first one did not have the ph, a+b+c motility, color etc. It does blow my mind that it only takes 'one good :spermy:' to get the job done! I'm really hoping that ONE can find its way. With mother's day (here in the U.S.) on Sunday, it is hitting me pretty hard. Dh and I are going away to Big Bear (mountain/lake resort) I soooo need this. We leave tomorrow and I'm so happy just to get away. Yes! I would like him to be tested again, sometime in the summer!!!! We have to all stick together and I know one day we will all be mommies, holding our little precious babies in our arms. xxxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
it really is quite amazing. my husband and I BD lots around ovulation (confirmed with ov tests and temping) and he has excellent sperm, so what is happening inside my body!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr :growlmad:

Well you are still in for this cycle right? And its only been a short time since the polyp was removed which may have been the problem!

Also apparently although sperm results can appear excellent, they have really no way of knowing whether the sperm can really "do their job" or not - ie penetrate an egg, unless they do an IVF.

yes very true. when she suggested IUI I asked why that would work as hubby has above average swimmers anyway, and she said it was the combo of the clomid and the washed sperm going right into the uterus that really works.

I had a huge temp drop this morning so I think AF is on her way. remind me where are you in your cycle?
ooops I need to check the 35+ more often and not just my user CP lol

So a little late to this thread but here is what my hubby got on his...sigh...


I was told to have him see an Urologist so an appointment has been set.

He is now off all the crap he was taking for working out (as I know that is all bad stuff) and I also have him taking Fertility Blend for men, Vitamin B complex, C, D, Maca and Megaman as well (from GNC) ...I hope his next test shows better results.
Hi LLBean, interesting that your DH's test shows a reference of 50-100% for normal morphology. Our test showed >4% as normal morphology. Intuitively to me it would not seem that 8% is a big deal with your other numbers so strong, as the total count of fast motile normal sperm is still going to be pretty high! But it will be interesting to see what the specialist says. Unless better news you get a :BFP: before you have to go!

The pH means his sperm is too acidic right? That can probably be corrected by eating a more alkaline diet - more fruits and veggies good, and meat, dairy, grains, alcohol and coffee are bad.

Hmm they did not test my DH's pH. I forewarned him if he didn't get a good SA report he would have to give up coffee (which he loooooves)
Stalking! DH is planning to get SA done in July (we have to wait on an insurance thing and that's fine with me) and I'd like as much info ahead of time as possible! :thumbup:
Hi LLBean, interesting that your DH's test shows a reference of 50-100% for normal morphology. Our test showed >4% as normal morphology. Intuitively to me it would not seem that 8% is a big deal with your other numbers so strong, as the total count of fast motile normal sperm is still going to be pretty high! But it will be interesting to see what the specialist says. Unless better news you get a :BFP: before you have to go!

The pH means his sperm is too acidic right? That can probably be corrected by eating a more alkaline diet - more fruits and veggies good, and meat, dairy, grains, alcohol and coffee are bad.

Hmm they did not test my DH's pH. I forewarned him if he didn't get a good SA report he would have to give up coffee (which he loooooves)

Yeah PH is not a big concern in my opinion but morphology is... I even got the viscosity under control with Mucinex ...morphology levels must be different charts in the uk then... I have no idea
ok so today we did the 2nd round of Sperm Analysis...after 3 months of vitamins and supplements (even though his urologist insists I'm the one with issues and not him and that pills do nothing) so lets see what results we get. I'm on CD3 but my doctor wants to wait until his results until we do anything if nothing has changed for him we may be losing a month here UGH
Hi sorry I'm not a lot of use with this question , but we were to.d results could be effected by something as simple as a common cold , and could be drastically different the next test . Good luck got everything crossed
it really is quite amazing. my husband and I BD lots around ovulation (confirmed with ov tests and temping) and he has excellent sperm, so what is happening inside my body!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr :growlmad:

Well you are still in for this cycle right? And its only been a short time since the polyp was removed which may have been the problem!

Also apparently although sperm results can appear excellent, they have really no way of knowing whether the sperm can really "do their job" or not - ie penetrate an egg, unless they do an IVF.

yes very true. when she suggested IUI I asked why that would work as hubby has above average swimmers anyway, and she said it was the combo of the clomid and the washed sperm going right into the uterus that really works.

I had a huge temp drop this morning so I think AF is on her way. remind me where are you in your cycle?
Hope not Sarah :flower:
well he was fine on his first test...and fine today too...lets see what happens...result will be sent to the doctor today...God knows how long HE will take to let us know about them...but results are going in today
LLbean- I hope you get the results quickly! :hugs::hugs: When we first saw an RE...he started putting all the blame on me...very first interview...he told me I prob. have endometriosis, my age etc. Without running any tests! Well, they ran some blood work on me, and he gave me a saline ultrasound to check for polyps. It was all clear. He checked my uterus, said it was good. Finally, he decides to do an s/a on dh...and boom he calls me at work and says we will never get pg, unless we do IVF. He said dh's numbers were horrible. Fast forward to this year, dh had another s/a and it was much better.

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