Sorry its taken so long to post, I just haven't had time to go on the internet at all!
Arthur Michael was born on 18th September, 13 days overdue! I went in to be induced at 8am after having a failed sweep at term +8 days. They gave me the first pessary and said that I was 1cm already and thinning, so 6 hours later they examined me again and I was 1.5cm and fully thinned. They said they may be able to break my waters (at a push) but it was basically at the discression of the midwife, and depended on whether labour ward was busy
As it was quite quiet at that time they took me over at 4pm and managed to break my waters, and I started to get mild period type pains. They wanted to wait for a couple of hours to see if I managed to labour myself without starting the sintocin drip, the cramps started to get worse and quite painful by around 6pm but the midwife didn't feel that the contractions were strong enough and I would need the drip after all, at this point I had only had paracetamol (for headache). The cramps got progressively worse and as I thought I was going to need the drip, and the midwife said the pain would get much worse, I agreed to have an epidural (which I never wanted). In the meantime I had Codeine which just makes me spaced out!
I tried the gas and air but felt it made my throat sore so gave it up as a bad job, lol. The pain were still getting worse and we were still waiting for the anesthetist but he was held up in ITU admitting a patient (which I could totally understand. By this time (around 7-8pm) the midwives changed shift and I just couldn't talk to anyone, as the pain was getting worse and it was the only way I could deal with it, I also turned onto my left side on the bed as this seemed to ease it. I was still waiting for the anesthetist and the pains seemed to be getting closer together and worse! I also felt like I needed to push and was finding it hard not to! By this time I had given the gas and air another change and had got the hang of it, although I was using it a lot as the pains were less than a minute apart! The midwife said she would examine me again but thought it unlikely that I would have progressed much as it hadn't been that long. She checked at around 21.30 and I was fully dilated! I waited a little bit longer, then it was time to push, 4 pushes later and he was out! Born at 22.25. I didn't need the drip, or the epidural after all as I was in established labour and I was so glad I didn't have the epidural and the anesthetist was busy!
He was 7lb 14 and measured 48cms, he is beautiful and I love him to pieces
Will try to put some pics on later