Blob hugs hun I know exactly how you feel about dh being away over Christmas and new year! And I think the cake looks fab!!
Jelly poor jj hope it clears up soon, bless him he seems to always be poorly! Do you have plans for friday??
Laura I hope the sickness passes soon!!
As for me, well we were supposed to be having the boys from Wednesday for half term, she's actually having them part of the holidays for once OMG!! BUT... After years of holding my tongue, after a weekend last weekend with her on the phone being a bitch and trying to change things, then turning up to take the kids from us an hour and a half early because she had plans and was going out, I went to the door where Wayne was trying to tell her she was too early as we were busy.. I said their school clothes were still drying on the line, she was too early and to come back at the right time, she gave me a smug horrible look saying it was nothing to do with me and she has a tumble dryer 'dear'.... I told her in no uncertain terms to (excuse the language) fuck right off as she was not messing us about any more.. It felt goooooood! But now I am never again allowed to see them without Wayne being there because of my threatening behaviour!! ( trust me, if I'd have threatened her I'd have followed through!) so we're not allowed the, until Wayne finishes work on Friday now as I'd be alone with her kids!!! And I'm not allowed to see them for the 6 weeks he's in Jordan so after Sunday next week we won't see them till the 19th December when we pick them up for Christmas!! Stupid cOw.. But it was ok for me to travel a 440 mile weekend to have them when he was away when she was single and wanted a social life! Argh!! Oh well, I'll make sure Wayne texts her each and every time he has to go sit on the loo/ shower/ go for a fag as I'll be alone with them then, maybe she'll come and collect them for his poo breaks!!!