Lily Elizabeth was born at 1:40 am on September 13th, her due date. She was 7 pounds even and 19 inches.
Med-free, doula assisted hospital birth story:
My first contraction was at 6 am on the morning of the 12th. Contractions would be regular for a while, die out, and come back. This happened most of the day. I was in complete denial that she was really coming! Just went about my normal day (including visiting friends at 5:30 pm and going out to dinner at 7 pm -- all while having contractions!). Contractions were 3-5 minutes apart starting at 5 pm and went to 2-3 minutes apart around 8 pm. I used my breast pump (10 minutes on one side, 8 minutes on the other) at 4:30 and I think that's what jump started things.
My doula came over at 8:30 pm which is when contractions got more intense. I had been feeling all my contractions in my back so we did lots of things to try to get baby to change positions but to no avail. My doula did a lot of hip squeezes which helped tremendously! I got in my bath tub about 10:45 and my water broke in the tub around 11 pm. I said I wanted to go to the hospital shortly thereafter and said that I wanted an epidural (my birth plan was to go naturally and after this comment, I didn't mention it again). We got around and drove to the hospital (somehow I was able to keep my composer in the car and felt relatively little pain). Arrived at the hospital at midnight and triage took 40 minutes (and they wouldn't let my doula come back!). I was 5 cm upon admission.
By the time I got to my room, I was in transition. We immediately filled up the tub and as I undressed, my entire mucus plug fell out. I had three contractions in the tub. On my 3rd one, my doula asked if I was pushing. At first, I said no but then I said I wasn't sure. I was just trying to relax and my body naturally pushed. She told me to get out of the tub immediately (no water births are allowed at the hospital). My nurse checked me and I was 8-9 cm. We called my doctor in (he was already on the floor as he had recently delivered another baby). By the time he came in (about 10 minutes) I was fully dilated. I pushed in a side lying position for about 25 minutes. The baby's heart rate kept dropping during contraction (from 130 to 95) due to coming down the birth canal so quickly. They gave me some oxygen but by the time they got it, I was on my second to last contraction. She came out with her head sideways and screamed before her body was out. I flipped from my side to my back and my doctor placed her up on my chest. It was so amazing! DH cut the cord and we did skin-to-skin for an hour before she was weighed and checked.
I feel so fortunate to have had exactly the birth I had envisioned. We are so in love with our baby girl. We've been home a couple days now. The nights are a bit rough but not too bad. I'm so happy with my little family!