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Seth Thomas Humphrey - 02.06.08


Prodest mummy ever
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
Just an update about the speedy birth of my little boy today! He came very quickly AND on his due date! Amazing!

My waters broke at around 3am. I rang the delivery suite (because I didn't know if it was them or Id just wet myself lol) and they said to ring back in an hour and if Id gone through a pad then it probably had been my waters. Well, I didn't have any liners left, so I got my maternity pads and went through 4 of them!

I rang back at 4am and told them, they asked if my pains were bad and I said I could feel them but it was ok. They said to come in at 7am. By 430am I was having contractions every two minutes each lasting one and a half minutes long, couldn't bear the pain! So I rang the hospital again and went in.

They looked at me... Junior was still only 4/5ths engaged, my cervix was fully closed and I wasn't effacing in the slightest but my contractions were really strong, so they gave me pethedine. I don't remember much of the next two hours apart from feeling like I was wrapped up in a big blanket and just really happy and sleepy lol

By 630am I was 6 cms dilated and they could see the babys head. I asked to go to the loo before I went into the delivery room and felt the biggest urge to push ever. It REALLY hurt. They moved me into the delivery room and somehow I managed to labour for a further 3 hours (no idea where they went) and then had 30 minutes of pushing. Which REALLY hurt.

As I was progressing so quickly I couldn't have an epidural, and they wouldn't let me have gas and air either, so the last however long I spent in there delivering I did completely on my own without any pain releif watsoever. Matt was an absolute star and Im so proud of him, I couldn't have done it without him!

Seth Thomas Humphrey was born at 831 am on the 2nd June 2008 weighing 7lbs exactly. He's absolutely gorgeous, and the spitting image of his dad, I didn't realise quite how much I loved Matt until today either, he was fantastic and really supported me through everything.

Ive had to have 2 stitches, but I was back home by 6pm and now I feel great!

So heres the million photos I took :cloud9:

5 mins old Seth and VERY proud daddy

Seth on the scales

Seth having a nap

and another one...

and another one...lol

Im completely in awe of him. He's fed three times with very little help from me at all and he hasn't cried once. He's amazing :)

Thank you :)

He's still cute despite the grumpy faces!

Congratulations on to you both on the birth of your little boy he is beautiful xx
Congratulations and a very well done to you!!!!
he is gorgeous xx
Congratulations! He's gorgeous!!
Congratulations on a speedy birth and a gorgeous little boy XXX
Great birth story Linzi!!

Many many congratulations you the birth of Seth - he's adorable!!! :hugs::hugs:
Congrats on the birth of your adorable little son :cloud9:
Great birth story!! Congratulations, he is gorgeous :blue:
Biggly congratulations Linzi and Mr Linzi!!!

And welcome to the world ikkle Seth!

He is goregous hun.... you both must be so proud!!

Congratulations honey!

Wow I'll have one of those deliveries please! and home already, that's fantastic news.

Sending all 3 of you a big hug


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