Hey chick
Don't be nervous - it is really okay PROMISE!
It just felt like a smear - not very pleasant but not painful. I would recommend a couple of Nurofen plus about 1 hour before you have it done and when they do it, just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth as it makes your muscles relax. The more you relax the quicker it is.
i thought it was gonna take an age as everyone else was in for 45 mins - but it was just the paperwork and chatting and as the doc said - when people got nervous they tensed up.
I had some cramping and slight spotting after - also went home and had a bath as the 'dye' is clear but gloopy like syrup so nice bath made me feel human again.
As for sex - go go go - if the 'fertility issues' you have are female dominated then the HSG can make you more fertile since it's clears everything out (for want of a better phrase) so you can have sex as soon as you feel ready - we went for it the day after and i had no pain or probs! Just don't have
before hand though as you need to do a hpt and sign a waiver saying you are definitely not pg as the HSG flushes everything out and could result in a miscarriage if you were preggers.
Good luck chick, you will be fine