She HATES tummy time!!! Help!


Mummy of 1
Nov 19, 2012
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So DD will be 14 weeks on Saturday and is so far hitting the 'normal' milestones for her age BUT she absolutely detests tummy time and I'm worried she's going to struggle with her strength in her arms and also going on to crawling.
I know all babies are different but should I be worried/seeing someone about this? When I attempt to do tummy time even for a few minutes she just screams, won't move her head, just lays face down on the mat! Her neck muscles are strong as shes sitting for short periods and things like that but she just will not go on her front for any time at all. I've tried laying with her, distracting her etc etc. Nothing helps
My daughters exactly the same refuses to lift her head and usually gets agitated after a few minutes. Her head really good when you sit her up etc.
I just keep doing itba couple of times each day in the hope she'll eventually get the idea that she has to lift her head!
My daughter absolutely detested it at first but she is also a bit younger than yours but when we do tummy time we play Mickey Mouse clubhouse or baby Einstein and lay her on her front on her boppy. She will stay there and look around and be happy for a good 5 minutes. The rest of tummy time is done with her laying on my chest. The dr told us that tummy time isn't a must it's more of a suggestion but if she'll lay on your chest and lift her head and her arms then it can still be considered tummy time as she's still working to strengthen those muscles. Have you tried a boppy pillow or even a bright colored or musical show for kids?
My ds1 was the same but I just kept putting him on his tummy for short periods of time and he got there in his own time. He rolled everywhere he wanted to go up until he started crawling at about 10 months lol...even though he was sitting at 6 months xxx
My older son absolutely hated tummy time too. He would only allow 1-2 minutes at a time. I just did that a few times a day. He ended up mostly scooting on his butt rather than crawl and I believe it was because he hated tummy time. He only crawled for about a week then he was walking at 9 months. Every baby is different. Just give her tummy time a few times a day, even if it's just a couple minutes each time.
try putting her on your chest.
Also many don't even bother with tummy time, it's not like babies won't learn to walk without it :)
Also do you have a carrier like Ergo where LO is upright all the time, that's neck muscles use too :)
I second what lanaross said, babywearing counts as tummy time too! My daughter didn't really do any tummy time at all until she was 3 months. She just wasn't into it. By about 5 months though, she loved it. She was crawling at 8 months and is now cruising and nearly walking. But I wore her lots in the first 6 months and you can tell that made such a difference in her strength, so that when it was time to do things on her tummy, she was ready.
I personally think tummy time is overrated. Ciara absolutely hated it so I never pushed it. She got hers on my or OH's chest. She sat up at 4 months, crawled at 8 and walked at 11 months. She didnt roll until 6 months but, even know, hardly ever rolls so I think she's just not a big roller :).
I don't do tummy time as in flat on the floor. He hates it and makes him sick. He frequently lay on my chest though.
D hates tummy time. He does three press ups and then cries until I pick him up/put him on his back.
Neither of my girls liked tummy time, my oldest crawled at 5 and 1/2 months and walked before 1 so I don't think it really affected her. LO is only 12 weeks but the few times I've tried she hated it so I've not really bothered and putting her on the floor with a rampaging toddler is a recipe for disaster lol xxx
Dont do it then ive never herd of an adult thats unable to walk because they didnt do tummy time im sure shel be a normal human without it :p no point making her unhappy over it x
My dd1 never had tummy time. She never rolled and crawled at 9.5mths... but walked at exactly 10 months. Never did her any harm having no tummy time!

Dd2 quite likes it. We started off by using a boppy cushion thing but now she is fine om the floor, not for huge periods of time... maybe 5/10 mins at a time. She constantly rolls onto her tummy though, and hasnt figured out how to roll back yet!

I wouldnt push it if your lo doesnt like it x
I think tummy time is a load of rubbish. We never did it and my LO has a lovely rounded head, has been rolling since three months and sits beautifully. The only 'tummy time' I'd do would be, like PP have said, on your chest.
Luke hates it too. Plus right now he's got a bit of a cold and when he's on his stomach it all comes out and he gets even more mad! But he lifts his head up alot when I lay him stomach to stomach.
Thanks ever so much ladies, I don't feel as useless as one of the HV made me feel now. She has plenty of time on mine or OH chest and likes it so we'll stick to that for now :) xx

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