While it's highly unusual, it's I suppose on really a problem if it's causing a problem. Does she have really disrupted sleep at night? At only 5 weeks old, that's probably incredibly hard to gauge, as generally 5 week olds should be waking every 2-4 hours anyway all night, and a few may sleep through the night, so there is a huge variation of normal. Is she unsettled, crying, overtired seeming during the day? If she's happy, not crying, not overtired and sleeping at night at least a little better than waking every hour (again, keep in mind, huge variations of normal at that age), then it's not necessarily a bad thing, even though it's unusual. But if she's overtired, grumpy, crying lots, not right during the day, or really disrupted at night, I would try to find things that do work to help her sleep during the day. Realistically, most babies don't just lie down in a cot and sleep during the day easily. It took me awhile to figure that out. So I found ways to help encourage sleep no matter what. My daughter would easily sleep in a wrap, on me, in the car, in a pushchair, so to make sure she got enough sleep during the day, we'd go for drives in the car, I'd wear her in the wrap while I did the dishes or returned emails, we'd take a walk, she'd lie on me while I sat and read a book or watched tv, etc. Whatever it took to make sure she didn't get overtired and not sleep well, I did it. I think it helped a lot. But I'm not one of those people who needs routine, or needs a baby that sleeps quietly in a cot and self-settles (all that came in time, which wasn't a big deal at all). So I just did whatever worked.