

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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:twisted: I just done my two week shop last night, obv Fridge stuff is weekly anyway .... .......

I spent £100.00 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Terrible, lol things kept jumping in my trolley :twisted:

DH wanted to know what I spent £100.00 on well duh its all there you eejit, he's the one who said I cant buy Smart Price, to think that shop could of been like £60.00 if Id gone for smart price.
I'm terrible we spend A LOT Of pennies shopping each month £150+ I'd say on only the 2 of us :oops:
OMG I spend about £70/£90 a week on 2 of us :shock:

I really need to cut down...but I can't help it I like nice things :oops:

Charm X
MrsE said:
OMG I spend about £70/£90 a week on 2 of us :shock:

I really need to cut down...but I can't help it I like nice things :oops:

Charm X

LOL and DH thinks im bad, wait till I tell him one of you girls spend what i spent for a weekly one :shock:
We easily spend £100+ per week, but we keep trying to cut it down. We get it delivered sometimes and I spend £300 easily and then we still need to top up thru out the month :?
I'm glad its not me - Really we'd spend more on the top ups from Spar but in Tesco it would be about that!
Me n Gav spent £85 in tesco on monday night :oops:

£25 on a bottle of whisky!!

Theres only two of us in the house i can't afford to shop like that though lol!!

MEN!! whats up with smart price anyways??? i get there stuff and it tastes exactly the same!
Ohhhhhhhh I HATE smart price......tastes discusting most of the time, some of it is OK, but you have to pick.....I prefer not to buy that stuff tho!
I don't like own brand store stuff either.
Our shopping would be so much cheaper if i did! lol!

We spent £110 in Costco the other week....
Haven't done a proper shop this month yet. Was gonna do it yesterday but the washing machine went so had to get a new one so its fucked us for everything now!!
I spend around £100 a month in Tesco's for 4 of us.
Top up shop between £10 and £20 a week.
Costco rallies to about £60 a month but thats mainly on the cat :lol:

We buy Value and cheaper stuff i always go to the reduced cabinet. Alway pick up on all the offers and basically use alot of basic foods Pasta. Potatoes. Bread. etc...... which are nice and cheap and can be used to make meals from.

I could cut it down more a monthe too but thats just no fun :lol:
We eat a lot of pototoes, pasta and rice etc, but we like things like steak, which we may have once a week as a weekend thing, and we have alot of spag bol and shepperds pie type dinners too, then there are the roasts and so on......but I like my cleaning stuff, and air freshners etc, that bumps the price up no end!
:lol: I'm a veggie. he dosent like steak and the kids don't eat anything like a roast :lol: Think thats why its cheap for us. Oh and i like the smellies too but its much cheaper to go to IKEA and get the scented candles and the Poundstore/99p store and get some air fresheners, and sprays.
We buy alot of smart price and asda brand, spend £60 on a main shop and £20 on a topup shop per 2 weeks.
Cant think of anything we get that is brand name actually lol!
hmmm typical example of me.....

went in 4 bread milk and nappies spent £30 oops!!!
we spend between £70 and £90 a week

that incudes nappies, wipes and baby milk.

ahhh man i suck at shopping!!!

Going to tesco's now.... following AG's tips!!

Tootsie said:
:lol: I'm a veggie. he dosent like steak and the kids don't eat anything like a roast :lol: Think thats why its cheap for us. Oh and i like the smellies too but its much cheaper to go to IKEA and get the scented candles and the Poundstore/99p store and get some air fresheners, and sprays.

I love the scented candles in IKEA, always get the vanilla ones MMmmmmm!!!!
Yvanne said:
hmmm typical example of me.....

went in 4 bread milk and nappies spent £30 oops!!!

Same as me babe, something that should cost no more than a Fiver and I manage to spend nearly ten times that :shock: No wonder Paul likes to do the shopping :lol:
Yep i get the Vanilla ones too. I also use the vouchers i get from doing surveys for Quickwise. so it dosent cost me :D

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