In my first pregancy (which was concieved through IVF) I started having really bad pains at 21weeks and admited myslef into hospital only to find out the pains i had were contractions and my cervix was practically completly gone - 0.75mm!!! Contractions were stopped, emergancy cerclage was put in and with complete bedrest for 3 1/2 months in hospital I was released at 34 weeks with the prediction to give birth still early I made it to 38 1/2weeks and gave birth to a healthy now 3 1/2 yr old boy!!!
Now pregnant with our second... this time a spontanious pregnancy.... I had a preventative cerclage fitted at the end of 17week.... everything looked fine no contractions afterwards!! I just had my 20 week scan and recieved heart breaking news that my cervix has shortened from 3.1cm to 1.6cm!!! I am on bedrest again but this time at home. I am lucky enough in the way that we are living in Asia at the moment and I have a full time Amah working for me and taking all the chores over and looking after my son.... so I don't miss out by having to be in the hospital and missing my boy.... however I am so scared to lose this mirracle baby that if my next scan on monday tells me my cervix has shortened further i might get hospitalised. And I am still a milestone away fron 24 weeks!!
Have any of you experience shortening of the cervix after a cerclage and what was the outcome?
The other thing is I read that so many women with same problem been given progeserone treatment and it hasn't been offered to me. It's like a deja vu from my last pregnancy as everything happened at same time in to my pregnancy and I know how much stress, faith, finding the strengh and patience I have to have in the upcomming next few months....
Now pregnant with our second... this time a spontanious pregnancy.... I had a preventative cerclage fitted at the end of 17week.... everything looked fine no contractions afterwards!! I just had my 20 week scan and recieved heart breaking news that my cervix has shortened from 3.1cm to 1.6cm!!! I am on bedrest again but this time at home. I am lucky enough in the way that we are living in Asia at the moment and I have a full time Amah working for me and taking all the chores over and looking after my son.... so I don't miss out by having to be in the hospital and missing my boy.... however I am so scared to lose this mirracle baby that if my next scan on monday tells me my cervix has shortened further i might get hospitalised. And I am still a milestone away fron 24 weeks!!
Have any of you experience shortening of the cervix after a cerclage and what was the outcome?
The other thing is I read that so many women with same problem been given progeserone treatment and it hasn't been offered to me. It's like a deja vu from my last pregnancy as everything happened at same time in to my pregnancy and I know how much stress, faith, finding the strengh and patience I have to have in the upcomming next few months....