Should I be allowing this?

My daughter is not 4 yet,and she always asks to stay up late and watch this with me. I don't have a problem with it,i explained to her where babies come from (not in too much detail tho) and she loves it! We have pregnancy books next to us when the breaks are on :rofl: and as soon as it starts gain she puts the book down and always asks 'when is the baby coming?' I would never complain,i don't lie to my children,when they ask me questions i explain it to them. My daughter informed she's going to become a midwife when grows up,and trys to listen to my baby with a doppler lol
What I try to keep in mind with my children (son is 13, daughter is 8) is that I would rather they learn about such matters at home than to receive incorrect information that could further confuse them at school.
i think its fine, both my 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son have watched birthing videos, some quite graphic ones, they both found it very fasinating and werent at all scared or worried, i was pregnant with my lo at the time and they loved to know what i was going to do to get her out! they both also know how babies get in there, but in very simple terms! i think its great to be honest and open with young children when they have questions :)
My daughter is not 4 yet,and she always asks to stay up late and watch this with me. I don't have a problem with it,i explained to her where babies come from (not in too much detail tho) and she loves it! We have pregnancy books next to us when the breaks are on :rofl: and as soon as it starts gain she puts the book down and always asks 'when is the baby coming?' I would never complain,i don't lie to my children,when they ask me questions i explain it to them. My daughter informed she's going to become a midwife when grows up,and trys to listen to my baby with a doppler lol

Thats so lovely! Thats how I want to be with my LO :p

I agree with everyone else, if she doesnt get upset or disturbed then it can help her understanding. The amount of rubbish that gets said between kids. TBH I'm a bit annoyed for you, I don't know what your little girl said in the playground but its not fair to complain about you.
My little one watched one of the birthing programmes on Discovery Health. He was 5 and I was pregnant, and he was upstairs, and had come downstairs whilst I made tea, and had sat and watched it, without me realising I hadn't switched it off.

Anyway, I'm pretty open with him anyway, and he has seen a lamb be born (He went on a school trip and watched it) so I had just explained how its the same with mummies too.

After he had watched the programme, he came in, and said 'Oh, now I have seen a baby born, and I know what happens' He has never mentioned it again!

He also watches me breastfeed, and knows all about it, and I for one, am really pleased that he knows this stuff. Its all natural, I don't see the problem! They don't need to know the gory details! I'd rather him know what boobs and bits are really for, than grow up thinking they are either forbidden to talk about, or thinking they are just some sexual organs that have no other use! I'd also rather him know how babies come out, than him believe a stork brings them?!

He asked how a baby got in, and of course I'm not going into that, so I just told him when mummies and daddies love each other very much, they are able to have a baby grow inside of them, and he seemed happy with that.

Hope that helps!

Hope that helps!
Nothing wrong ith it, its the most natural thing in the world :shrug:
I think each child is different. Some can handle it and some it would freak them out. I know moms that let their 3 year old be in the delivery room with them and some mom's would never even let the thought enter their mind. I guess to each his own. I have let my children watch a pet give birth and I think that it is a great way to open up the discussion on birth and such.

Sounds like your child is mature enough to handle it. I let my boys watch it (if they want too) and my youngest claps every time a baby is born. I am ttc and we have told our children that we want to have another baby (nothing else) and my son who is 12 asked if he could be there when I have it. (I really don't have a problem with it but I am sure I will catch some comments from family and such)LOL
I would not let my children watch an actual childbirth. If they ask about it - put in terms that are at their level. At ages 5 - 8, I don't think kids need to know details of how children are created and where they come from.
i think if you think your child is ready to watch it then theres no problem. my son whos 9 burries his head in a pillow if anyone so much as kisses on tv so hes not ready for obem :haha:
I say its only gonna freak them out if you make a big deal about it, i.e. not letting them watch it. Don't see a problem in your LO watching it at all. A book came with my birthing pool called Runa's birth, its great and my little girls favourtie book at the moment, this has a picture which shows the baby being born and she hasnt once even questioned it, shes just 'accepted' it because it is what it is, its how they are born. I think the younger they learn about these things the easier it is.

Kirsty x
Personally, I've always been super honest and open with my step-daughter when it comes to sex or what not. I'd rather her learn the truth that hear lies at school from other children. Lucky, she is very open with me as well and asks questions when needed... but she's older, so she hears a lot at school.

I remember learning about sex and child birth at a very young age and always had an open line of communication around it with my mom. The girls that didn't, well, they seemed to be the ones learning on the fly (i.e. having sex early) whilst I waited till I was a senior in high school and in a committed relationship. I'm not saying that the ONLY reason I waited... but I do know it helped me to understand and process my feeling about it all in a healthier way. I didn't feel the need to "act out".

I will always promote honestly with children- obviously to a point, I'm not going to get into anything over the top with a 6yr old!!!! lol. But if it's age appropriate enough- and the child is OK with it and YOUR OK with it... then do what works for you.
my 5 year old loves this show! she keeps saying mam did you scream like that when you had jayden (her brother) and then giggles but at the end when the babies are born she always says awwwwwwww there beautiful
My baby isn't born yet but I would not have a problem with my child being properly educated at home about such matters as sex and childbirth rather than teachers or other students embarrassing them by telling them in school! :thumbup:

The day my grand-mother was giving birth to her first son at 18 years old, the doctor had to tell her how the baby was going to come out as she thought the baby came through her belly button. They were never taught sexual education in schools as it was seen as disgraceful. On the other hand, with my younger brother, a little boy came into school one day in primary 5 (age 9) talking about his penis and almost every child's parents complained. Turned out the wee fellas mum didn't want him to be un-educated when it came to sex and wanted him to know the real words for things. I honestly don't see the problem with that :shrug:
I have very open and honest parents and by the time I was 5 yrs old I know not only the various ways babies are born but how they're made, too. Mind you, I was always quite mature for my age.

You know your child best, if you feel she is mature enough to understand and accept (which it sounds like she is) then I can't see any problem with hon xx
I think its fine, shes your child and if you think she can handle that information then let her watch. OBEM isnt particularly graphic, I think Ive only ever seen one actual crowing shot on it xx
I don't think there is anything bad with that, and (I have watched a cow being born in the stable at 5) I also was educated about where children come from how they're made- Also because I liked to read about it too.
I would let her carry on watching it and I also wouldn't be concerned about her talking to other children about it. That other parents have an issue with it is their problem.
I'm 7 months pregnant and my son watched some OBEM's with me. I think it's good for him to have an understanding. we've kept it all basic and haven't even mentioned sex, but he knows that mummies have eggs in their tummies, that sometimes these grow into babies then the baby comes out either of a hole in mummy's tummy, or out of mummy's lulu. He's fine with that and I wouldn't worry too much if I were you x
personally i didnt let my kids watch it, i have no problem being open and giving explanations as required, but OBEM is far too grown up imo for infants. i mean Leah is 9 but i wouldnt want her thinking childbirth is all screaming and pain and what is shown on tv

its an adult programme, aimed at adults, and was screened AFTER the 9pm watershed for that very reason

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