should rioters families be evicted?




Personally I agree.

The mother in this case should be allowed to appeal to just ahve her son removed from the family home as she has a dependant and her son is 18 so legally an adult.

I do think that his mother hasnt learnt from this lesson though. How can she say her son and his girlfriend are passive and nice people, when they committed a disgusting crime? denial? i think so.

It seems to me the mother doesnt know right from wrong, so how the hell would her kids learn from this?

As for the rioters themselves, they endangered lives, damaged historical buildings, stole (thus making prices rise for the rest of us!) took away livliehoods, killed or attempted to murder others, arson, and i truly believe theyve damaged our political weight against other countries.

They deserve none of the perks of being here.
'‘But, I believe our human rights have been completely taken for granted. Daniel was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.'


Yes, evict them and let the mother appeal if she wants but hes not allowed to live there anymore :shrug:
There's a phrase that goes. "Dont bite the hand that feeds you"
The rules regaurding criminality and housing are long standing and should be upheld. Theres many law abinding family s in need of those homes
I think its a good idea, at the end of the day why should criminals get cheaper housing to go out and distroy local areas and harm other people.
I'm not sure, my mums friends son (who is 24) was involved in the riots she was disgusted by his behaviour and didn't encoruage him on bit, she also has younger children. Why should they have to suffer for his actions? My family and friends were caught up in the riots and I am as angry as anyone, but if an older child was involved then I don't think the parents are always to blame.:shrug: There are obviosuly exceptions and those parents that didn't try and stop their children or condoned it should be punished, But I am sure some of these parents are just as disgusted and ashamed as the general public
I'm not sure, my mums friends son (who is 24) was involved in the riots she was disgusted by his behaviour and didn't encoruage him on bit, she also has younger children. Why should they have to suffer for his actions? My family and friends were caught up in the riots and I am as angry as anyone, but if an older child was involved then I don't think the parents are always to blame.:shrug: There are obviosuly exceptions and those parents that didn't try and stop their children or condoned it should be punished, But I am sure some of these parents are just as disgusted and ashamed as the general public

At 18+ they're old enough to stand on their own feet (def at 24) so that shouldnt really hold much. Just kick the 'child' out!
couldnt agree more blah. thats nearly laughable that hes 24 and living in his mothers council house. Dont think that should be acceptable either personally!
Oh no he isn't living at home he hasn't for years, his mother kicked him out about 3 years ago I think. Also even with the younger one i.e. 15 I don't think the parents are always to blame and should always be punished. When I was that age if my parents grounded me I climbed out of the bedroom window, they would physically walk me to school so I actually went and I would climb over the fence as soon as they have gone. I was a selfish teenager and I made my parents lives hell(Which I am completly ashamed of now) but they did their best and explored every possible option to regain control. They even considered calling social services in. I am sure some parents are to blame but there can not be a blanket punishment as not every family is the same x
but surely the teenage child is the outcome of parenting the pre-teenager - so if the child is unruly as a teenager could it not be suggestive of a failure in the parenting of that child during it's earlier years - ie from early on, as a parent, you should be laying down a framework of self-discipline, self worth, respect, trust, education etc etc?
My parents did all of that in fact they were very strict, importance of education was drummed into me and I had clear boundries. But when I hit 14/15 I met knew people and rebelled. No one family is the same and no one child will react in the same ways. My brother and sister were as good as gold.
No they shouldn't be able to. I disagree with the way the riots panned out but happy, well educated people don't riot. The last few weeks has shown that some serious changes.are needed in our society. This is a way of punishing the poor yet again. What about the people that were rioting that aren't in council housing? They won't end up homeless.with nowhere else to go with young children in tow. It will make the rich/poor divide worse and these are then more likely to happen again.

I am actually sickened at the amount of racist/bigoted/pro capital punishment comments I've heard on the news and from my friends and read on Facebook.

Yes, a lot of the rioters were completely out of order. But the world is waking up to the oppression and lies from our governments and there will be varying ways people rebel against them. It is happening everywhere.

In a way I'm glad it has riled the powers that be. Maybe next time our taxes are used for MPs' moats, bird baths and personal holidays, or we are sent to war over something that is none of our business more people will stand up and shout about it. They are far worse crimes in my book and there has been very little consequence for those involved.

Whoops! Didn't mean to rant quite so much there :)
It's like being mad at someone in another town and punching your neighbor in the face over it. It didn't rile the man it put your friends/neighbors/small business owners out of work/a home/sense of safety. You can't tell me everyone escaped from those fires.

Are violent criminals still given financial aid over in the uk after being convicted? If not, why worry about punishing them further when they've screwed themselves out of assistance in future when they get out?

Punishing their families is insane, imo.
Depends, some inolved were as young as 9, come on thats ridiculous, parents fault for not keeping their kids under control, so yes those with kids under 16 should be kicked out! Though with older children who aren't living under the same roof then.. i don't know.. its hardly their fault if their 20-30year old son/daughter chooses to cause hell (unless they dragged their kids up)
I'm not sure; but I feel that councils and housing associations should be able to kick out residents for ASB related stuff more easily as well. I was reading the housing corporation's* rules on how housing associations should deal with ASB and there seems to be little to no circumstances under which people can be evicted for ASB and the rules were even saying that it wasn't even allowed to deny a family a secure long term tenancy based on ASB, all they could do was delay it until the ASB reaches a 'more acceptable level'. Of course some housing assocs have more of a backbone and will find ways to evict those guilty of serious ASB despite these rules but some are really pathetic and you will see in developments like ours, the same families and individuals again and again who are the ones behind vandalising the estate, making noise and even thieving from their neighbours yet nothing is ever done except letters being sent out. There is one woman here whose kids are little....brats and she totally encourages this behaviour not just from her kids but from others, yet they gave her a secure tenancy because she has been with the housing assoc so many years, she even had the gall to ask if they could kick her out for her kids' behaviour or any other reason at a residents meeting (which was minuted) and the rep from the housing assoc assured her that there was no need to worry because there was no chance basically. I have heard it is similar for council housing as well. From what I have read in most cases these looters are already known to the police and I don't doubt they they and/or their families are already a blimming nightmare for their neighbours in terms of anti-social behaviour.

*housing corporation are called something else now can't remember what
really? people agree with this? the criminals are being punished by the law. why should they be punished twice just because they live in social housing? also, to evict an entire family because of the actions of one person is ridiculous.

as for the sentences that are being handed out, it's just causing yet more tension. man steals £3.50 case of water, receives 6 months in prison. MP steals £8000, receives 4 months in prison. justice anyone? the PM would have told us to all "calm down" and "dont be rash" if we'd have suggested anything that they're pushing for with the rioters. it's a joke.
also, what happens to the people who simply can't afford to rent privately? would they be put back on the housing list (making the whole thing pointless) or would they be forced to live on the streets?
No they shouldn't be able to. I disagree with the way the riots panned out but happy, well educated people don't riot. The last few weeks has shown that some serious changes.are needed in our society. This is a way of punishing the poor yet again. What about the people that were rioting that aren't in council housing? They won't end up homeless.with nowhere else to go with young children in tow. It will make the rich/poor divide worse and these are then more likely to happen again.

I am actually sickened at the amount of racist/bigoted/pro capital punishment comments I've heard on the news and from my friends and read on Facebook.

Yes, a lot of the rioters were completely out of order. But the world is waking up to the oppression and lies from our governments and there will be varying ways people rebel against them. It is happening everywhere.

In a way I'm glad it has riled the powers that be. Maybe next time our taxes are used for MPs' moats, bird baths and personal holidays, or we are sent to war over something that is none of our business more people will stand up and shout about it. They are far worse crimes in my book and there has been very little consequence for those involved.

Whoops! Didn't mean to rant quite so much there :)

This wasn't political and to think it was is IMO niave. It was an excuse for thugs to vandalise and be violent and an excuse for oppurtunists to get a new TV or pair of trainers. The riots in Egypt were political. The G8 riots were political. This, was not.
Im pretty torn other the whole deal of kicking entire families out.
On one hand your ust going to have the same problems elewhere like where I used to live.
It was all new builds, a lovely area with so much potential but they moved in 8 families that had all been evicted from the next town that came under a different council.
All 8 families had ASBO's against them, had all been in trouble with the police (parents and kids) and some idiot decided to put them all in the same block of flats.
Withing a few weeks the area was destroyed, burnt cars in the carpark, cars being driven over the lawns, police there with helicopters and sniffer dogs on a daily basis, kids smashing windows and throwing bricks at the ducks and swans, bonfires being lit in the middle of the play area and constant shouting, swearing and fights.
Moving families like this doesnt solve any problems it just makes it someone elses to deal with.

On the other hand im sick to death of hearing society and government being blaimed for these riots when 99% of the time parents are to blaim.
We never had any form of activities or youth clubs as kids but we dont go around stealing and setting fire to cars.
Parents should be held responsable for their children but I dont think they should be kicked out for it because then you do have the problem of younger siblings suffering but some form of punishment does need to be taken (thats why im torn about it)

For all those young rioters there was plenty more youths that didnt want nothing to do with it, these youths came out in masses the next day to help clean and tidy yet they all had the same upbringing in the same areas with the same oppertunities and mostly with the same home lifestyles.
The main differance is some are brought up while others are dragged up.
Lack of guidance, morals, respect, dignity taught by parents is 100 times more to blaim then the government.
Its not about where your raised but how your raised.

The events had nothing to do with protests and little to even do with riots (rioters have an agender of why they are doing it) all this was was an exscuse to be animals, to get what they could and be thieves, vandals and monsters.
Luckely they are only a small minority of how this generation realy are because most are brought up with respect.
Yes they should be evicted.

Why should the taxpayers pay for them when they are destroying homes, shops and the streets.

V xxx
Why everyone, though?

Wouldn't it be easy to say so and so is evicted if so and so is found on the property a full eviction of all will be enforced?

Then again looking into it the rules seem clear, if anyone is charged with a violent crime everyone gets the boot. I guess those rioters should have considered others knowing that rule was in place.

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