Should They Advertise BFing on TV?

Even though i ff from the start, i would have no problem with BF in adverts as long as its kept polite rather then making those that FF think they are damaging their babies through formula.

I do think that they do need to show more BF in public in these adverts to say that its ok to do that, and also in tv programmes
i dont know im not really bothered i think if it was on id prob turn it over i wouldnt watch it just like some other adverts i dont

weather it would help who knows theres loads of info about breast feeding ect and people either take note or they dont x
I think nursing in public definitely still needs to be normalized.
Having characters on TV shows or in movies casually breastfeeding would most certainly help do that, I think.
Awareness campaigns with ads could also be useful.
They do here. There are a few of TV ones and address things like how it does get easier, how output is a good indication of intake and how dads can help with things other than feeding to bond. Also there are loads of NIP billboard posters.
Bky thats brilliant; I think one of the main problems here is parents don't know how to tell when their baby is getting enough milk; and there is not enough education about growth spurts etc so they think when they hit a growth spurt; their milk has dried up. I am not anti-FF (how could I be? All but 1 of mine have had formula at some point before 6 months of age) and I don't think any BF advertising is anti-FF either; however I am anti-FF companies because they often make false claims that don't stand up to scrutiny and it isn't fair on parents because the motives of formula companies should be entirely altruistic and in the best interests of babies; but they are so often in the best interest of getting more customers and making a profit. A lot of the ingredients that have been added recently to formula; LCPs, DHA and AA for example there is little evidence they are of any benefit to babies born at term and some studies have shown that they may in some cases cause allergies and growth problems; yet they basically enable the companies to sell the formula for more money and as such none of the mainstream formula brands in the UK don't contain these. There is only one brand of organic cows-milk based formula, which costs twice as much, and it is only available in specialist shops and it seems like its being discontinued except for the follow on milk.
Coming from the US I'm always fascinated by the public health TV commercials here. We have BF ones, smear and mammogram ones, regular GP checkup ones, stay home when you're sick ones, how to cook healthy food ones (though those are really done by a supermarket not the health system, still I think it's a fab idea: How to cook pumpkin :haha: as well as regular home cooked recipes of the week), and there are probably more I'm forgetting. Oh yeah, how to get help for quitting smoking and depression ones. And the drive safely, don't drink so much, don't drink drive etc....
Yeah, loads of them.

We do have formula adverts, but they are all for toddler milks and clearly state the age of the child (15 months in one and 18 in another I think?).
Yes perhaps they should...although I do think bf gets more 'publicity' than people seem to think. Personally, I think there should also be decent, impartial ff advice out there too. Rather than slating either option, it just needs to be informative, to help ALL mothers.
I think we need it to be advertised. Purely because people are uneducated in my part of the UK on BF. NIP needs to be addressed and made more normal too!

Like others have said not in a "BREASTFEED OR YOUR BABY WILL DIE" way lol, more of a "this is what BF gives your baby and have a proper think about doing it" way!!
For me though no amount of advertising would make me think about BF, i will be FF the next baby from the start as well
i dont know tbh there are so many posters, the mw's go on about it the doctors go on about it i dont think tv ad's would really make any difference?
As BKY says we have it on tv here already. I think the aim is to normalise it and to make the public aware that it takes some sacrifice on behalf of the mum so to go easy on BFing mums in public etc. We have pretty good laws that basically mean you can not be asked to stop BFing anywhere in public and this normalisation process is really important for mums to have the confidence to breast feed and to continue to do so when out and about.

They are more aimed at families and friends about supporting mums that make the choice to breast feed. There is so much advertising for formula, bottles and sterilisers etc, so I don't see how it is any different except that if you don't a have govt that supports it and backs it by laws and communities that support if by providing resources, then it really isn't going to be as popular. There is no big business behind BFing.

I was suprised when in the USA how accessible FFing advertisng, free samples and paraphenalia was. I went to one elective scan and got a goody bag full of formula related stuff with not one word of BFing! There were dummies with Formula company logos on, cooler bags, tins of formula etc. I have to admit I am pretty happy that our laws in NZ prevent this type of aggressive marketing.
Sarahkka : i love your idea! i have never seen a baby being breast fed on any TV show like eastenders or coronation street (correct me if im wrong cause i only see them once in a bluemoon)

I think the advert used it scotland (the one linked) was very fab! It told you the benefits to mum and baby and actually showed a women doing it discreetly with no people staring at her ect.

I think it should be advertised here too. They have posters up in the hospital showing about 5 women sat with sunderland shirts on breast feeding which to be honest was rubbish. I dont believe they should mention anything about FF though if they do make an advert.

I can see it from both sides, i was desperate to BF. Even all through my pregnancy i had dreams of BF my son (and strangely still do) yet because he was 6 weeks early, he had a very poor sucking reflex but also my boobs would flood him when we tried. I tried nipple shields, i would express a little before (to slow the flow a little), we tried every way possible to BF normally but failing. For a few months after I would spent half an hour to 45mins expressing, then half an hour to 45mins feeding baby which took so much out of me that my mild slowly dwindled away leaving me feeling like a failure which now i dont think is fair. They need to let people know that BF ISNT always possible!

Sorry for the long winded reply
I think an advert to change NON-MUM's view and opinion on BF would be FAB. Like something that shows that NIP is acceptable, natural and a great thing.

To get mums to be more successful at BF I honetsly think that this can only be achieved by women being given HONEST information and support when pregnant. I know some women find it pain free and easy from the off but most I've seen have had at least SOME problems... and it can catch you unprepared and make you give up. I truly believe that I'd have been better prepared for BF if people had been honest about how hard is can be. There should be classes on the NHS solely to discuss BF when you're pregnant. Not a bunch of peole sat around preaching about how great it is but talkign through the possible hurdles, ways to overcome them, teaching how to get a good latch, explaining about cluster feeding and growth spurts etc. All done in a very positive way however. More support is the only way to increase BF rates... and sharing more info.

I know so many women that gave up early on because baby cluster fed and they genuinely thought it meant the baby wasn't getting enough milk from them.

I honestly feel that pregnant women are sometimes kept so much in teh dark abotu the realities of BF. Everyone is quick to explain the benefits and say "it will get easier - keep at it" but no-one seems to take pregnant women aside and be more honest and help them really prepare for it.
id love to see breastfeeding advertised on tele, formula is advertised on tele in a very sly way and ive never seen anything except programmes advertising breastfeeding .... i also thing breastfeeding is considered by most a really old thing to do same as cloth nappying.. everyone has got used to the easiness of disposable nappies and formula and pre made baby food that anything else seems old fashioned or you are considered weird! so yes id love to see it more advertised
I agree with KittyVentura. When I bf my first it was a bit of a shock at how hard it was as no one warns you what probs you might have. I just assumed you put the baby to your breast and that's that! One of the biggest reasons I was successful this time around was knowing the hurdles I had first time and being more prepared because of it. Both mentally eg doing more research about latching, what helps sore nips etc. and physically eg buying nipple shields, lansinoh, breast shells etc.
On the other hand I can see why they'd not want to let people know about probs in case that would put even more people off bf if they were undecided. It would have to be done in a positive way.

Would def like to see more bf adverts. I hate how unpopular it is here in uk. If a 12 y/o girl tells you bf is "disgusting" there is clearly something wrong with today's attitudes towards it.
I co-ordinated our regional 5 a day campaign and unfortunately, I don't think it made a huge amount of difference! Health promotion of any kind is especially difficult, and I'm not sure it would work, it also comes down to government funding and with the huge cuts going on at the moment, there is little for front line services never mind 'add on' services such as health promotion... Unfortunate but true - the regional and national 5 a day campaign was cut for this reason, it depends what regional priorities are at the time e.g. Obesity, smoking cessation, chd or breastfeeding rates
They do here. There are a few of TV ones and address things like how it does get easier, how output is a good indication of intake and how dads can help with things other than feeding to bond. Also there are loads of NIP billboard posters.

Yup! I like how we have those ads here. They also show posters with similar themes in busstops, libraries amd malls.
To some extent I do agree that any ads should be transparent and accurate depicting the reality of BFing but I feel abit reluctant to focus on the hardship of it because I think alot of pregnant women view BF as a hard thing to do when its not always the case. Yep its not always easy but equally, its not always hard but if we depict the hardships, thats what they will expect and it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy iykwim?
I breastfed & I don't really see the point in wasting the money tbh, most people kind of know what they're going to do already, everyone knows breastfeeding exists as much as they do formula which isn't advertised, so not sure that with the NHS being so tight on money as it is that advertising would make an awful lot of difference for the amount it would cost.
Hmm- the DH has an agenda to promote BFing and I think it would be helpful as part of their strategy to have TV ads as these are super effective. I know alot of moms (and society as a whole re issues like NIPing) who are clueless about BFing and it contributes to low BF figures. The NHS is stretchd but if BFing "reduces" the number of illnesses, then an advert promoting BF would save them money, not cost them.

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