Should we bring back the death penalty?



Now after this Batman Murder and the possibility of him being sentenced to death it is making me wonder- what do I really think about the death penalty?

One part of me thinks an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind but other side of me thinks something else

The latest obviously being James Holmes...but i'm thinking back to Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, Ian Huntley and Sean Mercer (Americans probably have no idea who i'm talking about)

Ian Brad and Myra Hindley:

Ian Huntley:

Sean Mercer:

All of them killed innocent, harmless children :nope:.

And then there is the famous Dr Harold Shipman:

My mom has come across Ian Brady- he sits in his bed and doesn't communicate with anyone in a mental hospital. How is THAT PUNISHMENT?! Sean Mercer LAUGHED IN THE FACES OF THAT POOR BOYS PARENTS IN COURT. :nope:

What are peoples thoughts?
I personally think it should be bought back but only to be used in the extremist of cases..And that they should have to do a 10 year prison term before their death in a much harsher prison..That way its not the easiest way out to just kill them straight away they are serving a punishment but at the end of it they have no freedom to look forward to like the 'life' sentences at the minute.x
I am very.. Confused about the death penalty. It was abolished, and afterwards found that so many innocent people had been killed. There's also the question .. Where do we draw the line? Murderers? Rapidts? Paedophiles? What if we do get it wrong? How hurt are the families of these guys lives going to be? In my opinion it was abolished for a reason. We don't have the right to say who lives or does - we're no gods. A lot of prisoners would prefer death, I'd rather they rot in prison. Life should mean life. I had this discussion at college and had someone accuse me of seeing the world through rose to red glasses .. Said I was sheltered. I was the victim of abuse, I hate that man.. But I wouldn't have him put to death. I'd rather he rot in jail for the rest of his days.
No & the thought of it makes me feel quite sick. Its barbaric and has no place in a modern, civilised country IMO. No one has the right to take away a life, even if that person took one away too.
No, i don't think it should, but it is difficult sometimes when you hear about the likes of the Wests, Myra Hindley etc x
By extremes I'm talking serial killers and the people that have killed more than 1. Clearly they'd keep doing it..Prison isn't a punishment in my opinion they have too many priviledges and they're still allowed contact with people outside and internet email etc. Serial killers are rare so it would rarely be used but they got off on playing God with innocent people they don't deserve to live a life paid for by tax payers :shrug: I agree it shouldn't be used for anything less than that though.
I don't agree because so many mistakes are made in the justice system. We can let someone out of prison with an apology and a wad of cash, but we can't bring them back to life.
I'm not sure tbh. If someone kills someone then I think they deserve to be killed., but I also think its the easy way out.

I definitely think they should make prisons tougher. Not be allowed outside contact, no privelidges etc. whats the point in locking someone up as a 'punishment' and they sit around all day. They should be made to work etc too., not sure what sort of work tho haha! Xx
I agree with Blah, the death penalty doesn't have a place in modern society. x
i don#t think death penalty shouldnt be used at all. No matter who it is that kills it is always bad.
I'm not sure.
I don't agree with taking a life in any case, what does it mean for the executioner, HOWEVER, there are cases in the news where i think i would love to see that person die.
I don't always think its a punishment though, many of them want to die, so thats no more of a punishment than prison really.
& if it was my family, i'd probably want to kill them myself.
Its a very very difficult situation.
I think instead of the death penalty they should make prisons a hell of a lot tougher, no tvs, computer consoles, good food etc & I think life should mean life, your there till the day you die living in squalor.
In theory yes, however the risk of killing innocent people makes it a no. I would be happy if Life meant life.
I don't think it should be because people can be wrongly accused and it has happened where someone was given the death sentence and it turned out afterwards that they were completely innocent.

Perhaps jail sentences should really be for life, not just a couple of years. They should be in there the rest of their life until the day they die. They shouldn't have luxuries like xboxs, tvs, computers and pool tables etc. It seems going to prison is more of a luxury than a punishment :-/
I dont think it should be brought back. But if it was i think there wouldnt be as many killings.
I think instead of the death penalty they should make prisons a hell of a lot tougher, no tvs, computer consoles, good food etc & I think life should mean life, your there till the day you die living in squalor.

I agree with this.

To me the idea of living in a hell like this is far worse than the thought of death.
I am not into harsh punishment either-- While Prisons shouldnt be luxurious spas they should not be inhumane either-- they should give an inmate to educate themselves and also to do something useful.
I don't think it's used enough. I would love to see it used for repeat criminals. If you've been convicted 3 times for the same crime (or progressively worse ones) you're likely not going to stop and shouldn't be continually put back into society (and have more children to repeat the cycle). Keeping someone in prison is very expensive for tax payers. If they start culling the bad ones there will be less of them AND knowing that you are going to DIE if you keep getting in trouble may actually cause some of them to reform themselves vs. the commit a crime get put on probation, repeat, get probation again, repeat, probation again. They REALLY need to have severe consequences to keep people from continually committing crimes.
Does anyone else think, in the case of the Batman murderer that he suffered a physcotic break or something?

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