Dd's birthday is the 15th dec so some may be for that-haven't completely decided. But definitely for birthday main present is a My first drone. Definitely for xmas-I got my old dolls house out of the loft and we're doing it up.
Other pressies: flower press, football hopper, 4 books (troll, paw patrol, bear hunt, rabbit foo foo), binoculars, bug catcher, noah's ark( off fb selling group), wooden rattle snake, dolls house furniture, initialled drawing book, hairbrush and water bottle, kaleidoscope, cat sticker book, regifted xmas jigsaw. Still need to get jim jams, book and other bits for xmas eve box.
For other people: book tokens for dh's niece and nephew, initialled hairbrushes for my nieces and friend's daughter, initialled make up bag and water bottle for friend's kids, initialled light for cousin's daughter, bug catcher for cousin's son and adopt a penguin for my dad. Still to get-pressie for cousin's teenage son, birthday one for friend's son (13th), main pressies for my 3 nieces and 1 nephew plus chocs to go with friend's/cousin's kids and birthday(13th)/xmas for my mum, something for inlaws.
Got a lot of the kids stuff at Matalan.
My dh has just been made redundant so trying to get ahead while we still can and really going to stick to what we have and prob not buy for each other.
Blimey, sorry looks like a lot now I've written it all down!