Klemoncake - Im so sorry about your loss
We suffered a loss in September and out due date has just past with no good news so I can sympathise.
I don't think it ever gets easier, but I do think we get better at dealing with it. I think at 12months you have to give yourself time to get over the initial shock of officially being "LTTTC", because its not somewhere anyone wants to be! I remember months 9, 10 and 11 and vowing that it would be our month because there was nothing wrong with us...then it get to month 12 and the appointments with the doctors came quick and fast and it was heartbreaking.
Personally, the longer in in this vicious TTC cycle, the easier it gets for me to deal with. Which I know is completely backwards, but we're kind of in the limbo period between seeing a fertility specialist and trying actually medical intervention and help in November, so in my mind I've already decided I will not conceive naturally if I haven't in the past 25 months we have been trying, so the next big step is IUI in December (hopefully!), because even though I'm taking Clomid, I ovulate on my own anyway so I don't think it will make much of a difference! So all of the months between April and December are not too bad.
Like has been said many times, nobody wants to be in LTTTC board, but everyone is glad it exists