

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Sometimes there are 'signs' that we just cant ignore. Once upon a time I was very sceptical about things like signs and just wrote them off as coincidence. But there are some things that just cant be coincidence.

This morning I was on ebay to search for some Christmas decorations for the tree to symbolise my angels. I typed in 'angel baby memorial' and this came up.......

I was so a good way. I had to click buy it now, even though is a UK seller and I am in Australia. I showed my husband who agreed, that we just had to buy them.

Has anyone else had some 'signs' that just cant be ignored?
I haven't had any signs yet but wow that is amazing! :hugs: I would say that is no coincidence! They are beautiful by the way!
I like to believe some things are meant as 'signs' for us and yours is definitely one of them. Thank you for sharing the link, think I may have to get one of those myself.

We have a grid pattern on our lounge window and about week after we lost Max two butterflies landed on the glass at the same time in symmetrical positions one on the left and one on the right, one row down and one row in. Although we get a lot of butterflies in our garden, I have never seen them land on the window before, I like to think that they were our two angel babies watching over us.
Thats so lovely. butterflies are certainly here to carry beautiful messages. xx
My MIL is always going on about white feathers and other 'signs' and I used to go along with it but not really believe it - until we lost Emily.

The day of Emilys funeral I was in such a daze I couldnt remember anything about it, so the next day I wanted to go back to the cemetery on my own to be with my girl. I was driving there and was quite near - I stopped at traffic lights and had started to cry because I noticed a sign for the cemetery. A gorgeous butterfly - the most amazing one I have ever seen - landed on my car windscreen and just sat there! I was so shocked and amazed by it then when the lights turned green I just sat there - couldnt move! Everyone behind me was blasting there horns like crazy - then the lights went back to red and the butterfly flew off. I had to pull over because it literally took my breath away. Later when I came home I was telling my OH and he said he had read a poem the night before the funeral that he was going to read but decided against it as he thought he would be too upset but he had saved it on his phone -

A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam.
And for a brief moment its glory and beauty
belong to our world.
But then it flies on again,
and though we wish it could have stayed,
we feel so lucky to have seen it

Now I believe in signs! I truly believe my beautiful daughter sent the butterfly to let me know she is ok and will always be looking out for me :cloud9: Just like your LO leading you to that link :hugs:
It sounds silly, but there was one magpie that hung around in the last week of my pregnancy (as in, one for sorrow) and the week after Alexander's death then disappeared. Next time if I see a single magpie, its not staying in my neighbourhood....!
Curlybug - I love seeing Magpies as I saw them all through pregnancy and then when Evelyn died I never saw more than one at a time for a long time. I now see them whenever I am having a bad moment - like it is Evelyn sending me a message that I need to be ok. I always think of her when I see a Magpie.

Other signs - I had a Chemical pregnancy last month and when I got in the car the morning it happened the first song which came on was "Carry on" which is about carrying on after the loss of a baby (on random with a SD card with over 5000 tunes on it)
That same morning I drove around the corner and saw 2 magpies.

Today I saw a rainbow, it is possible I am pregnant again - I am hoping that is a sign too!

Mel - I believe it was a sign from your 2 babies x
Wow that is so weird! Bless you - I would have clicked on Buy it Now too! I can't think of any "signs" I have had like that, but that is freaky, and definatley meant to be! :hugs:
Well I think I had another sign today and it totally floored me :cry:

I had went to the garden centre to buy a plant to take to the cemetery as my other one had died due to the colder weather. I wanted one that would bloom during Autumn but I dont really know anything about plants so went with the idea that I would look for pretty ones and then check the labels. Well the first pretty I checked I looked at the label and burst into floods of tears - it was called Pretty Lady Emily!! :shock:

I have never even heard of this plant!

This is it - I think its gorgeous :cloud9:

Then when I got to the cemetery Emily's headstone had been put in that morning - so that set me off again. Uncontrollable sobs. They told us to expect it to take 12 weeks, its only been 5.5 since she was buried so I really was not expecting it :cry:
The flowers are just lovely - definitely a sign xxx
collie-crazy, the flowers are lovely and and grew in the garden centre just for Emily.

I started to see rainbows everywhere just after I lost Evie and I had thoughts that i'd fall pregnant again quickly. Of course at the time, i didnt want to get my hopes up, but when it happened the very next cycle, I knew the rainbows were a sign. xx
Wow those are all really clear signs, I think. The butterfly and the plant and the decorations took my breath away. I've always done the magpie thing but they aren't the same here in NZ.

I do beleive in signs and just before I found out I was pregnant with DD (unexpectedly) DH (BF at the time) and I were walking home late one night and saw a shooting star. We found out about DD a few days later. When we moved into this house we saw two almost immediately, we were TTC and I'd been told my many fortunetellers etc that I would have twins, so I was really hoping that was what it meant. We got a BFP 3 weeks later, dispite only BD once as DH did his back in and I thought at the time "I wonder if it's twins". I was so sick and everything all through that I thought it probably was, we never got it confirmed till the emergency scan after my waters had broken (my anatomy scan had been originally scheduled for the Tues after and I didn't want the Nuchal so didn't do the 12 week scan, wish I did now) but I thought because of all this it was so "meant to be", but it wasn't, so now I'm confused.

I've been desperately looking for signs from them since they left me and I came home from the supermarket one night and was looking at the sky and saw one more shooting star, and then I stood there waiting to see if I'd see the other one, that maybe it would be them telling me they were OK, or goodbye. I stood there for a while and eventually saw another one but it was far from the first and going in a different direction, this really upset me as I wanted to think of them together so I stood there with the shopping bags howling like an idiot.

I haven't seen anything since, maybe I want it too much. I saw one rainbow but we're not TTC at the moment. Here's hoping. maybe I'm just too blind to it just now...
The stars sound lovely. Maybe them going in different directions was just them playing. Im sure they are together wherever they are. x Its early days yet.
i also love butterflies, my nan used to always tell me that after some one passes if you see a butterfly its their way of telling you they have moved on and been reborn. a few days after my due date i was lying in bed and all doors windows closed etc when this little white butterfly flew into my room and landed on my bedside lamp,it stayed for ages until i opened the window and let it fly away... i dont know why but for some reason it really calmed me!

sometimes when we need a sign the most we see it!! when we lose hope and feel like theres a mountain to climb someone,somewhere gives us a little ray of hope. thank gos for those little things that keep us all going


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