LO is 4 weeks old. I breastfed for about 2 weeks (with the occasional formula feed) but I just didn't get on with breastfeeding so we switched to exclusive FF (Aptamil).
At first, we thought he was suffering with Colic (fussing after feeds, unable to settle, only sleeping for very short periods and this sleep being very unsettled, crying for no apparent reason - all of which were only really a problem at night time). So we started using Dentinox colic drops, with little effect. We also thought maybe he was just hungry because the only thing that calmed him was feeding (although not every time), even if he had only fed shortly before. So we tried Hungry Baby milk, which also didn't have any effect. Someone recommended Dr. Brown's bottles, so went and bought those... Also no change.
Whilst searching online for things to help Colic, I came across a video of a baby with silent reflux, and it was just like my LO. So I began reading up on silent reflux and started to think that actually that was the problem, as he has many of the specific symptoms for that (e.g: hiccuping, sneezing, 'wet burps', unsettled when laid flat, frequent feeding, arching back during and after feeding, noises when asleep), as well as those mentioned above which can also indicate silent reflux...
So I went and got some Infant Gaviscon. Again... no help. Discovered that Boots sell Aptamil Anti Reflux formula, so bought that.. We've been using it a couple of days and at first I thought it was helping, but that appears to have been wishful thinking as lastnight was one of the worst yet.
He has always taken his feeds well and very rarely vomits (day or night).
During the day, he feeds approx 2.5-3 hourly (4oz) and sleeps well in between. He can be quite unsettled after a feed during the day, but
can be settled after a while. He also has good periods of being awake and alert, and very content.
But at night, its completely different. He is
impossible to settle after a feed, and when I do finally get him to settle (which takes about 2 hours until he finally gives in through exhaustion), his sleep is still quite disturbed (cries as soon as he's put down, makes lots of little noises/cries like he's in pain during sleep, etc) - he then wakes up again just an hour or so later, screaming; and wont accept anything other than a bottle of milk (I have tried a dummy and cool boiled water), and so we do it all again. The few times we have given in and let him have as much milk as would settle him, have been the few times he has vommited it all back up afterwards.
All of this means I'm only getting around half an hours sleep at a time, a few times a night. Totally around 2 hours sleep all together, if I'm lucky! So not only am I totally shattered, but I hate seeing him so upset and seemingly in so much pain, and nothing working to help him...
It's also very frustrating not being able to settle your own baby and it's starting to make me feel like an incompetent mother.
Lastnight was terrible as he also now appears to have terrible wind (bum end!) and very loose poo (bright yellow diarrhoea) - which is also making him very uncomfortable and making him cry even more, as he straining to fart/poo so much (I had to change his nappy 4 or 5 times overnight).
I gave in and took him to the doctors this morning. I have been avoiding it as I didn't want to be fobbed off with things like 'maybe he's just hungry' or 'well baby's DO cry'.
He basically said it doesn't sound like reflux because he's not vommitting. I did keep reinforcing that I thought it was SILENT reflux and that he seems to have all the symptoms - to which he said it's probably not reflux (silent or otherwise) if Gaviscon didn't help. I felt a little bit like he just thought it was simple colic and that I am over-reacting and trying to make it into something else. I have twin boys already (they're 11), and they never did anything like this.
Regarding his poo, he just said that baby's poo does change a lot and it's nothing to worry about. Which is fine - I suspect its the new milk anyway as it's only happened since he's started the Aptamil Anti Reflux.
Before I went, I was hoping to be prescribed some Ranitidine having read good things about it - but that wasn't happening because the doctor didn't think it was reflux.
So instead he has prescribed Nutramigen 1 formula, incase it's all down to a Cow's Milk Protein allergy/intolerance. He said it may not be that, but to try it as part of the 'trial and error' process.
Does anyone else have any experience with these symptoms, and what did it turn out to be..? Also does anyone have any experience with Nutramigen formula? Did it work, and how
soon did it work?!