Sims 1, 2 & 3! tips, chat, hints etc?!!!

Help me I am addicted to the Inssimenator xD

I have the motive adjustor hanging in the lounge and bedroom - fun's too low and nothing around to play before school- just put it up on the motive adjustor- you want to reach the new skill before peeing in your pants? just use the motive adjustor xD

anyway it is better for my machine anyway because it tends to crash if i move the screen to much and fast or too many people are there xD.

my first family twin son has anyway an over capacity of kids. he has 7 kids of any age(or now it is not any age anymore because I though just lets leave on 7 kids. xD, all other families aswell as the other twin brother only have 1 or 2 kids though.- I made a chart for the respective assumed age of the kids ^^
(all kids have names starting with A xD)
Amelie, and Aurelien: oldest at ca. 17yo 5 d older than
Allan: ~14.5 who is 4 d older than
Adrian~12.5 who is 4 d older than ->has now as I played on in the evening grown to teen
Allana ~10.5 4 d older than
Adrienne~4y who is 5 d older than->has now as I played on in the evening grown to child
Andrew 0.8y has now as I played on in the evening grown to toddler.

I pushed the age of my father a bit back again I don't like the age stage in sims 2 I have eheard in sims 3 it is ebtter xD
has finally got the sims 3 it is amazing! took a while to get used to building ect but can't wait to progress into the game!
Ooooh, I love Sims. I have played Sims2 for so long. Made all these different towns and families. Now I am on Sims 3.
My husband says Sims is just another word for baby making in my case. It is true, I love making families and let them have babies and then make the children grow up and have babies. It is crazy, I have quite complicated family trees on there!!!
Help me I am addicted to the Inssimenator xD

I have the motive adjustor hanging in the lounge and bedroom - fun's too low and nothing around to play before school- just put it up on the motive adjustor- you want to reach the new skill before peeing in your pants? just use the motive adjustor xD

anyway it is better for my machine anyway because it tends to crash if i move the screen to much and fast or too many people are there xD.

my first family twin son has anyway an over capacity of kids. he has 7 kids of any age(or now it is not any age anymore because I though just lets leave on 7 kids. xD, all other families aswell as the other twin brother only have 1 or 2 kids though.- I made a chart for the respective assumed age of the kids ^^
(all kids have names starting with A xD)
Amelie, and Aurelien: oldest at ca. 17yo 5 d older than
Allan: ~14.5 who is 4 d older than
Adrian~12.5 who is 4 d older than ->has now as I played on in the evening grown to teen
Allana ~10.5 4 d older than
Adrienne~4y who is 5 d older than->has now as I played on in the evening grown to child
Andrew 0.8y has now as I played on in the evening grown to toddler.

I pushed the age of my father a bit back again I don't like the age stage in sims 2 I have eheard in sims 3 it is ebtter xD

I do not like the aging much either.... I have a family that even has 11 children.... okay, bit too much, but it was fun. Another woman keeps going with different men and gathered 5 children all from different men!
haha my sims are all monogamous but I maybe working on the other family emmbers when they have grown up xD
I LOVE the Sims 2...not so much the Sims 3. I had it an uninstalled it. I think that the sims 2 was so good that you just couldn't do much with it in another version.

I love the expansion packs, although I'm really just hooked on seasons, university and bon voyage. I don't really use the rest and I'm not big on the apartment life.
lol I dont have any exapnsion sets xD
Only a few more days until Late Night!! :happydance: I'm preparing by creating a family and building a house.
Only a few more days until Late Night!! :happydance: I'm preparing by creating a family and building a house.

Oh I kno I cant wait till it comes out so i can hav vampires and female sims with boobs instead of mosquito bites:thumbup:

Jus wanted to ask if anyone has had a sim thats stuck pregnant and how they fixed it shes been preggo for 2 sim weeks now its really annoying im playing sims 3 btw if that helps :shrug:
woo I just been and bought Sims 3 for the pc. Hope it works ok!
i havent got the sims 3 yet if y laptop struggled to play 2 would it play sims 3?
a goin to get it this morning. what expansion packs r out
The newest Sims game. Instead of controlling your family, you are a person in a kingdom. I've only played the Queen so far, but you can be a knight, a wizard, & other characters. You build your kingdom up and go on different quests and find ways to make your kingdom better. You can make laws, negotiate treaties, conduct trade, declare war. It came out last week, so I haven't done everything yet, but so far it's a lot of fun!

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