Hello Dustbunny and Keebs -
I do agree that doing this on my own is less complicated than having a little one with someone and then having the relationship not work out.
In my case, I was married to a woman for 6 years and we had even taken a course called Dykes Planning Tykes (Great title!) back in 2007. There is a six year age gap between us and unfortunately, while we both wanted a family, I was ready before she was. We decided to end things so that I could pursue my dream of having a little one - I will be turning 35 this year and she could follow her dream of travelling.
I always knew I wanted to be a mom and being gay, I always knew I would use frozen sperm but I had hoped too, to have a loving partner to share it all with.
I am really lucky though because I have had nothing but support from my family and my friends. In fact, most of my friends are straight and they were were very interested in the whole journey. As I am only 4 weeks and a bit, I have only told my mom and dad and my closest friends.
When I am in the second trimester, I will tell work and although there are bound to be questions - I will be selective of who I tell the whole story to. It's not that it's a secret - this little one is so incredibly wanted and loved already to pieces, but my work colleagues are not all my friends and this information, just like the decision, is personal.
Here in Toronto there is a group that meets once a month specifically for Moms by choice. It's fantastic to meet other woman like me who are creating the family they have always wanted through the use of frozen sperm, embryo donation, surrogates...it's empowering.
What is it like in Scotland, Keebs - have you met other moms like yourself?
Dustbunny - while your situation with the FOB might be complicated and you were not a single mom by choice, know that every single mom, regardless of how she became one, is a very strong woman. Your little one is lucky to have you!