never feel silly to ask the nurses ! Ask away, any tiny detail that you think of. I really believe information is power. I spoke with the inhalotherapists so many times during the months of baby`s nicu stay, I felt by the end I was ready to pass the course and become one myself =p
CPAP means continuous positive air pressure. The machine sends a gentle pressure of air into the baby`s lungs.
Here are the different modes as I remember them:
-machine initiates a breath every x seconds, whether the baby breathes on his own or not (most assistance, closer to ventilation). It ignores breaths initiated by the baby.
-machine waits x seconds for a breath, then initiates one if none happen during that period
-machine waits for baby to initiate a breath, then helps it be a full breath by sending a peek of air
-machine lets baby initiate all breaths and doesn`t assist (least assistance)
of course there are many variations and options - there`s a reason inhalotherapy is a profession on its own and they`re in big demand in nicu`s heh. In our unit they would visit the babies multiple times a day, lightly adjusting the settings.
My son was on high frequency ventilation for weeks (the most powerful machine they had for a week, it was the size of a fridge, noisy and intimidating), off and on, and switched between the modes constantly. It`s perfectly normal to go back and forth. The lungs need to mature, and learn to operate on their own. Sometimes they need a rest. At every step back (like being intubated again) I would remind myself `this is what he needs right now, for the moment, this is what`s best for him`. Sounds silly but focusing on that helped reassure me and stop overthinking every little setback.
Don`t hesitate to ask questions here too, the ladies are wonderful